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Board of Selectmen Minutes 09/28/2010
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Last Updated: 2010/10/14
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Last Updated: 2010/10/14

                                                            Town of North Stonington

                                                                 Board of Selectmen

                                                       New Town Hall Conference Room

                                                           September 28, 2010--7:00 PM





Call to Order-7:00 PM with Selectman Mullane, Murphy and Briscoe present.

Public Comments and Questions-Nita Kincaid noted minutes were not up to date on the website, no communication, need to keep public involved, the two problems she saw at the Town Meeting were that the Selectmen should form a committee to oversee Hewitt Farm property and the question of whether or not to allow liquorlicensing  for old Dew Drop Inn

Pat Lewis-Selectmen to promote affordable housing regulations.

Minutes-A motion was made by Selectman Murphy and second by Selectman Briscoe to approve the minutes of September 2010, carrying.  3-0


Old Business-

1.   Tribal Issues-Acknowledgement Issues

              Schaghticoke appeal to the US Supreme Court-Court has not yet addressed request

2.   Subdivision Review and Planning and Zoning Issues-

PZC Affordable/Incentive Housing regulations-Selectman Mullane will send a letter to Affordable Housing Committee

To be invited to the Selectmen’s Meeting to discuss affordable housing regulations.

              Milltown Commons-In Master Plan Stage

              Affordable Housing Committee-Resolution-Completed at last week’s meeting

3.   Permanent School Building Project Committee

A.      School Building Project- RFQ for Architectural servicesFinal package reviewed OK to send to BOE for final approval

B.      Permanent School Planning and Building Committee Projects

         Flashing on Gymatorium-Bid Results and Funding-Attorney Eppinger will communicate with apparent low bidder

C.  Middle School/High School Heating System Code Update.-Selectman Mullane will summarize 3 low bids

D. School facilities maintenance responsibilities-No new data

E.  PSPBC BOE Work List-No response to date from BOE

F.  School of Choice-Need to create scope of work, make a list of factors to be considered

G.  Solar for Schools (Grant)-.-BOE is not interested

Selectman Mullane will ask if the BOE would like a ground array

4..  Kingswood/Meadow Wood drainage review –Mechanics’ Lien Release Form was sent to contractor requirement of final payment

5..  Hewitt property

                             A.  Committee Report/Activities-Recommendations/Town Meeting-Selectmen will include a committee and the request for a beer and wine license in future town meeting and will also research regulations and insurance.  The Selectmen will also draft a committee guideline and scope of work.

B.  Dam Repairs-Re-Engineering-Selectman Mullane will get design status from the engineer, there was a general review and discussion on MOU with State Historic Preservation Officer.

              C.  Dew Drop Inn/Rosie’s Status-Construction continuing

6..  Boombridge Road Bridge-State and Federal Funding-No news on status of final contract.

7..  Grants applications/administration-Working on Lawn Equipment Grant

8.   Capital Projects-Old Town Hall Solar Panels & FY 2010-11 Projects-System is “turned on” waiting for C L & P final testing

9.  Pinewoods Road-No report

10.  Board and Commission appointment

              Pawcatuck Neighborhood Center Director Replacement-No activity

              Permanent School Planning and Building Committee-No activity

              Water Pollution Control Authority-No activity

              Conservation Commission-General discussion on membership status

11.  Budget-2009-10 Close-Out –Final DUI Grant reimbursement was received, and deposited $26,761.

      FY 2010-2011-Manager’s Report reviewed.

12  Ethics Policy-No action

13  North Stonington, Preston, Voluntown, Griswold Town Line Survey-Meeting tentative for next week

14  Flood Damage Status Report/Repairs Update/ Action Items-No change

15. Tax Sales/Foreclosures-Executive Session to discussion town strategy-No new data

16. Purchase Procedures for Consulting Services-No action



New Business-

1. Tax Refund(s)-None

2.  Call of Special Town Meeting – Meeting Results-General discussion on how to resubmit

a.       Hewitt Property Use Approval

Public Comments and Questions

Adjournment-9:54 PM