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Board of Selectmen Minutes 01/13/2009

Town of North Stonington
Board of Selectmen
New Town Hall Conference Room
January 13, 2009
7:00 PM

Call to Order-7:00 PM with Selectmen Mullane, Murphy and Ricker present.  Also in attendance was Gary Herbert, BOF member.
       Public Comments and Questions-Gary Herbert and the Board discussed the OPM BOE fuel assistance funds of approximately $9600, OPM recommended the funds be placed in a separate fuel line item and that the BOE request for the funds to the BOS and the funds will be appropriated by conditioned motion.
Minutes –A motion was made by Selectman Ricker and seconded by Selectman Murphy to approve the minutes of January 6, 2009, carrying.  3-0
       Selectman Mullane briefed the Board on conference call with Governor regarding Shelters for current sub-zero weather conditions
       Deed of Conservation Restrictions Ashwillet Brook Subdivision
       Balance Sheet for PSPBC
       PZC CGS 8-24 request for Village Water Tower
       Siting Council notice of modifications to tower at Volunteer Fire Company
       Letter to DEP regarding Bulky Waste remaining space at Transfer Station
       CADMUS Group proposal for Wind Feasibility proposal
       Letter from Robin Hall showing interest in Hewitt Property Committee
       CRRA tonnage calculations for December, 2008
       Letter from Highway Union declining our request to freeze wages for FY 2009-10
       Energy New England introduction letter
       Avalonia newsletter
Old Business-
        1.   Tribal Issues- First Selectman Mullane report on meeting and Congressman Courtney’s potential briefing by Perkins Coie on issues for the upcoming Congress and new administration in DC.
2.   Subdivision Review and Planning and Zoning Issues-
Garden Court LLC-Record filed on August 4, 2008-Informal notification that appeal has been dropped
Connecticut General Statutes 8-24 requests to PZC-Approval on Boombridge Bridge received.
3.   Permanent School Building Project Committee
A.      Activities/membership-No action
B.      Building Committee Projects-Doc Holliday, Steve Aiello, Wayne Coats, and Bob Shabunia were present.  Also in attendance was Scott Learned of Design Learned, discussion of the merits of updating drawings for High/Middle School heat system.  Board will request a meeting with the BOE for January 27th or 28th.
4.   Town Energy Projects
                Electrical Rate Bids-No report
                Wind farm Project-Cost proposal received from CADMUS, proposal pending from Vera   AWS Truewind not in the type of evaluation.  The Town will also invite Windwrights
5.   Town Hall Improvements-No report
6.  Kingswood/Meadowwood drainage review-No action
7.  Affordable Housing Committee-Meeting set for February workshop session with PZC.
8.  Mystic Seaport property Dam Repairs
                        Home Repairs-Done, Selectman Mullane will finalize inspections
                        Dam Repair-Selectman Mullane working on specs for tree removal  
9.  Boombridge Road bridge-
                Report of Design Review Team report—Design review summary is in review circuit
10.   FY 2009-2010 Budget-Updated draft provided for general discussion
11.   2009-2010 Legislative Agenda-General discussion
12    STEAP Grant applications
        Agriculture Planning Grant-Committee working on grant application.
13.  Stimulus Grants Application- Selectman Mullane reported on COG meeting with Representative Courtney, and being updated with what is known to date.  There is house and senate version with many of the details to be worked out.  House and senate plans to be combined.

New Business
Public Comments and Questions
Adjournment-10:35 PM