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Board of Selectmen Minutes 09/15/2009
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Last Updated: 2009/9/23
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Last Updated: 2009/9/23
image002.jpg                   Town of North Stonington

                                                                Board of Selectmen

                                                                Regular Meeting

                                                                September 15, 2009

                                                                New Town Hall Conference Room

                                                                7:00 PM





Call to Order-7:00 PM with Selectmen Mullane, Ricker and Murphy present

Public Comments and Questions-A resident from Armstrong Pentway requesting maintenance on private road

Minutes-A motion was made by Selectman Murphy and seconded by Selectman Ricker to approve the minutes of September 1, 2009, carrying.  3-0


  • Copy of Notice of Action against the Town of North Stonington and North Stonington Board of Education by Colleen Allen Sebastian on behalf of Sherelle Sebastian
  • EEE Notice from North Stonington Public Schools
  • Miller’s Pond Site Visit, October 10, 2009 with SCWA
  • Pictures of new fire truck
  • Award of $24,500 grant for wind project research
  • Navy Force Structure and Shipbuilding Plans
  • ‘Invitation to School meeting September 24th, regarding Emergency Management planning
  • BOE Public School Post Employment benefits program
  • PZC Violation letters
  • Letter from Selectmen Ricker -water sampling

Old Business-

1.   Tribal Issues

Letters on Trust Land-Board was given letter sent to President Obama from Ledyard, North Stonington, and Preston, also forwarding letters previously sent to Congress (2009) and asking the President his position on taking land into trust for Indian groups.

2.   Subdivision Review and Planning and Zoning Issues-copies of zoning violation letters sent by ZEO

3.   Permanent School Building Project Committee

A.         Activities/membership-Ad Hoc Committee-No new information

                B.  Permanent School Planning and Building Committee Projects-No report

C.  Middle School/High School Heating System Code Update-Letter sent to Design Learned with a list of action items on school heating system replacement

4.   Town Energy Projects

Wind farm Project-Working on wind metering data collection

5.   Kingswood/Meadow Wood drainage review –Additional information is needed to finish specifications

6.  Affordable Housing Committee-Minutes of last committee meeting will be forwarded to answer BOS questions

7.  Hewitt property

Committee Report-Committee is developing more details for recommendations to a town meeting

Dam Repairs-No permit to repair the dam will be issued this year by DEP

Lease Renewals-Dew Drop Inn/Rosie’s-Notice of lease default has been sent to tenant

8.  Boombridge Road bridge

State and Federal Funding-Continued correspondence with Rhode Island representatives regarding shared funding for bridge project

9.        FY 2009-2010 State Budget

·         Budget Revisions-State budget has been issued,  State funds down approximately $159,500 from last year, revenues about what was estimated, however not all aspects are understood to date.

·         Change to LoCIP Plan-No changes were made, Board will not ask for any additional appropriations or funding this early in the year.

·          FY 2008-09 Budget Close Out-On track, auditors will begin next week.

·          2009-2010 Legislative Agenda-Reminder letter was sent to Representative Urban and Senator Maynard of previously submitted requested items

10   STEAP Grant applications-No State funding information to date

11.  FY 2009-10 Capital Projects

·        Walking Floor Trailer purchase-A motion was made by Selectman Mullane and seconded by Selectman Murphy to purchase a trailer for $51,092 including transportation, carrying.  3-0

·        Old Town Hall Painting-Bid was received

·        Old Town Hall Solar Panels(including roof and chimney)-No action

13.   JAG Stimulus Grant Application-Approved pending final instructions from the State

14    YMCA Property-No report

15.   Call of Special Town Meeting

Delay of Revaluation-A motion was made by Selectman Murphy and seconded by Selectman Ricker to forward this

 item alone to a Special Town meeting to be held on September 28, 2009, carrying.  3-0

Resolution-Authorizing multi-year contract for Single Stream Recycling-Does not require Town Meeting

LoCIP Plan Revision-Not forwarded

16.     State mandated Health District-No report, future meetings planned will be addressed in next budget

17.     Bud Fay BRAC request-No action taken

§   New Business-

1.        Pinewoods Road-A Temporary Injunction has been filed by Michael Ward for temporary and permanent injunction restraining for violations of terms of injunction, resident of Pinewoods Road, stopping paving and drainage work.  Court date set for September 28, 2009.  No discussion due to litigation, pending town attorney actions.

2.        Response to CRRA letter on Ash Landfill-No interest by Town

3.        Inland Wetlands Commission appointments-A motion was made by Selectman Mullane and seconded by Selectman Murphy to re-appoint Ronald Lewis, Alton (Mac) Gray, and Robert Miner to the Inland Wetland Commission for six year terms to expire April, 2015, carrying.  2-0-1 with Mr. Ricker abstaining since Mr. Lewis is his neighbor.

4.        Cemetery Commission appointments and confirmations, First Selectman Mullane motioned to take no action and table, seconded by Selectman Murphy, further clarification needed by Board on exact terms, carrying.  3-0

5.        OTH Painting proposals-A motion was made by Selectmen Murphy and seconded by Selectman Ricker to accept the bid of G P Brennan and Associates of $13,760, carrying 3-0

6.        DEP Testing Results-Letter received, Selectman Ricker is concerned, Selectman Mullane will get GEI Engineering to review and explain water test results.

7.        State Highway trailblazer signs-accepted as requested by MPTN and approved by ConnDOT.

8.        Tax Refund-A motion was made by Selectman Ricker and seconded by Selectman Mullane to approve a tax refund for Waketta Speh, Lantern Hill Road, in the amount of $239.28 for excess taxes paid, carrying.  3-0

9.        Sale of Fire Truck-A motion was made by Selectman Murphy and seconded by Selectman Ricker to accept the offer of $40,000 for the sale of the old engine #1 fire truck, from Command Fire Apparatus, carrying.  3-0

Public Comments and Questions

Adjournment-10:50 PM