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Board of Selectmen Minutes 04/14/2009

Town of North Stonington
Board of Selectmen
Regular Meeting
April 14, 2009
New Town Hall Conference Room
7:00 PM

Call to Order-The meeting was called to order at 7:07 PM with Selectmen Mullane, Ricker and Murphy present.
Public Comments and Questions-Bob Fleury, Pendleton Hill Road asked about Conservation Easement enforcement.  Conservation Commission does not have enforcement authority, Selectmen’s responsibility, need map of open space and easements for the Town.
Minutes –A motion was made by Selectman Murphy and seconded by Selectman Ricker to approve the minutes of April 7, 2009, carrying.  3-0
       Quote for Cemetery Work
       Siting Council request for verification of tower sites
       Arrest Warrant list
       2010 Census notice of commencement
       Letter to Bob Birmingham, MPTN declining request for inclusion of town roads on Indian registry
       CIRMA Strategic Action Plan
       Letter to Governor Rell withdrawing Village Water Town from Stimulus request
       SCRRRA Annual report
       Wind Project proposal
       Attorney Kepple’s report on China trip for Economic Development
Old Business-
1.   Tribal Issues
        Letters to Congress on Trust Land-Meeting with Representative Courtney, April 20th
2.   Subdivision Review and Planning and Zoning Issues-Application by Jehovah Witnesses’ Church received.
3.   Permanent School Building Project Committee
A.      Activities/membership-Ad Hoc Committee-Presentation received from A. Jerbert
B.      Permanent School Planning and Building Committee Projects-Updating list
C.      Middle School/High School Heating System Code Update-Contact Scott Learned on completion date
4.   Town Energy Projects
                Electrical Rate Bids-Not all quotes received to date
                Wind farm Project-Pending quote from Design Learned and received new CREBs Grant data
5.   Town Hall Improvements-Doors installation next week
6.  Kingswood/Meadowwood drainage review No new data
7.  Affordable Housing Committee-First Meeting tonight to address next step in process
8.  Hewitt property
                Dam Repairs-Trees are cut and surveying completed
                Lease Renewals-Until Hewitt Committee completes its report will ask tenants if they would like to extend leases month by month, then review long term leases.
9.  Boombridge Road bridge-
        Be it hereby Resolved that Nicholas H. Mullane, First Selectman of the Town of North Stonington, Connecticut, 40 Main Street, North Stonington, Connecticut, 06359, is authorized to execute an Agreement between the State of Connecticut and the Town of North Stonington for the Federal Local Bridge Program, State Project No. 101-112, Rehabilitation of the Boom Bridge Road Bridge, State/Town Agreement for Engineering Design Phase.
A motion was made by Selectman Mullane, seconded by Selectman Murphy to approve the resolution, carrying.  3-0
10.   FY 2009-2010 Budget-Revenue updates are received from the State daily, no set numbers, aid to towns and cities is being cut and then restored, very confusing.
11.   2009-2010 Legislative Agenda-Revised DRAFT presented
12    STEAP Grant applications-No new data
13.  Stimulus Grants Application-No new data
        14.  Special Town Meeting issues-April 6, 2009-All items passed
New Business
        1.    Cemetery Association Request-Selectmen wanted more information on schedule of revenue.
        2.    EDC Membership replacement by party affiliation-Request will be sent to the Secretary of State of opinion of Ordinance.
        3.    Transfer of Funds-Insurance Accounts-Motion was made by Selectman Murphy and seconded by Selectman Ricker to request a transfer from the Town Insurance line item to the Employee Benefit line item for life insurance premiums in the amount of $1510, carrying.  3-0
        4.    Resolution for Boombridge Road Bridge Grant Funds-Completed above
Public Comments and Questions-Resident Trooper Soler explained the State Police shift schedule to the Board and answered questions
Adjournment-10:32 PM