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Board of Selectmen Minutes 06/23/2009
Town of North Stonington
Board of Selectmen
Regular Meeting
June 23, 2009
New Town Hall Conference Room
7:00 PM

Call to Order-7:00 PM with Selectmen Mullane, Ricker and Murphy present
Public Comments and Questions-Dr. Larsen was present to review Swine Flu-Masks, sanitary soap, avoiding contact etc.
Minutes –A motion was made by Selectman Ricker and seconded by Selectman Murphy to approve the minutes of June 16, 2009, carrying.  3-0
Old Business-
1.   Tribal Issues
        Letters to Congress on Trust Land-No update
2.   Subdivision Review and Planning and Zoning Issues-No issues
3.   Permanent School Building Project Committee
A.      Activities/membership-Ad Hoc Committee-Two members have resigned, we will need to seek replacement members
                Student Projects-working on scoring platform
B.      Permanent School Planning and Building Committee Projects-Discussion of pending projects by PSPBC, BOE and Selectmen, follow up is required.
C.      Middle School/High School Heating System Code Update-
Executive Summary-next week’s meeting.
4.   Town Energy Projects
                Electrical Rate Bids-Still unclear about rates and terms.
                Wind farm Project-Selectman Murphy made a motion to accept proposal, by CADMUS to               evaluate wind project viability, seconded by Selectman Ricker, carrying.  3-0
5.   Town Hall Improvements-Front Door has been installed and awaiting locksmith
6.   Kingswood/Meadowwood drainage review-No report
7.  Affordable Housing Committee-Will be meeting shortly to address Selectmen’s request
8.  Hewitt property
                Committee Report-No report
                Dam Repairs-Engineering done, preparing permits for DEP approval
                Lease Renewals-Dew Drop Inn/Rosie’s-Letter sent on lease violations response due July 2nd
9.   Boombridge Road bridge
                State and Federal Funding-Waiting on funding approval from State of Rhode Island
10.   FY 2009-2010 Budget-No State budget to date
        FY 2008-09 Budget Close Out-Finalizing year end close out
11.   2009-2010 Legislative Agenda-Next Week
12    STEAP Grant applications-No new data
13.  Stimulus Grants Application-No new data
       New Business-
1   FY 2009-10 Capital Projects-
                Walking Floor Trailer purchase- No report
                Old Town Hall Painting- No report
                Old Town Hall Solar Panels (including roof and chimney)- No report
                        Senior Center Repairs-Ok to purchase convection oven
2.  Juvenile Review Board appointments-A motion was made by Selectman Ricker and second by Selectman Murphy to appointment Jaecqueline Kinard to the JRB, carrying.  3-0

        3.   Street numbering and names-A request has come to the  Assessor’s office for a street number for a residence on a private road the practice has always been that the street number is applied to the closest intersecting Town Road and the Selectmen do not want to change that policy.  
        4.  Single stream Recycling Contract-Information was given to the Board on town requirements
        5.  JAG Stimulus Grant Application –Selectman Mullane will get information on process and eligibility of purchases
        6.  Probate Court Resolution on Consolidation-Will be sent to Judge Palm in Groton
Public Comments and Questions