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Board of Selectmen Minutes 10/20/2009
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Last Updated: 2009/10/29
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Last Updated: 2009/10/29

                                                               Town of North Stonington

                                                                Board of Selectmen

                                                                Regular Meeting

                                                                October 20, 2009

                                                                New Town Hall Conference Room

                                                                7:00 PM



Call to Order-7:02 PM

Public Comments and Questions-

Bob Fleury, Pendleton Hill Road asked of the YMCA land (135 acres) off Button Road if YMCA had a map on 35 acres is available, he wants to know if right of way is available to land, wants Selectmen to contact YMCA attorney

Mac Turner thanks for SMART signs in Village

Brian Elias provided a financial report to the Board through September with year end projected shortfall of $12,000, will be taken up at a later Selectmen’s meeting.

Minutes –A motion was made by Selectman Ricker and seconded by Selectman Murphy to approve the minutes of October 13, 2009, carrying 3-0


Old Business-

1.   Tribal Issues

                Response to letters on Senate Bill S1703-No response to date from CT United States Senators

                Appellate Hearing on Schaghticoke appeal-A decision has been issued by Appellate Court affirming the Circuit Courts decision therefore the Schaghticoke group lost the appeal.  Only recourse to Schaghticoke  is to ask the entire Appellate Court to rehear appeal or ask for appeal to be referred to US Supreme Court.  Selectman Mullane heard of new tribal acknowledgement bill in US House.  Selectman Mullane will research.

2.   Subdivision Review and Planning and Zoning Issues-

                PZC Bucket List-No response to Selectmen’s request

                Milltown Commons-No action, no new information


3.   Permanent School Building Project Committee

A.         Activities/membership-Ad Hoc Committee

                      Membership-No new data

B.       Permanent School Planning and Building Committee Projects- Draft specification on flashing on Gymatorium- Specification are ready

C.         Middle School/High School Heating System Code Update- No new information, Selectman Ricker asked about cost for Design Learned to answer Selectmen’s Questions in writing.

Boilers-No report

4.   Town Energy Projects

                              Wind farm Project-No report

5.        Kingswood/Meadow Wood drainage review-New schedule of events for bidding established, specifications to be advertised  on November 1 & 2.

6.        Affordable Housing Committee-A recommendations for 3-5 members to develop and address the procedures for the


·         Consider property tax abatement in exchange for deed restrictions to qualify homes as affordable housing.

·         Appropriate town-owned property to be used for affordable housing

·         Consider Town to avail itself of grant money to buy tax-delinquent and foreclosed properties in North Stonington

7.  Hewitt property

Committee Report/Activities-Recommendations-No motorized equipment on Property, signage recommended by Committee

                                Dam Repairs-2010

                                Lease Renewals-Dew Drop Inn/Rosie’s-Letter sent by Town Attorney saying proposal not clear, requires

                                Clarification; the Town will continue going forward with foreclosure process unless Town can reach

an acceptable stipulated agreement.

                                Haying Contract-Option 1 was recommended by Committee in proposal by Mark Perkins, Sr., before award

get an answer on this year’s donation for haying the fields

                                Trail Water Crossing-New composite planks, 2’ x 2’ blocks as base - OK’s by Committee and Selectmen

8.  Boombridge Road bridge

                                State and Federal Funding-No response by State of Rhode Island

9.        FY 2009-2010 State Budget-Most budget number detailed has been issued by State, Town has lost funding

2009-2010 Legislative Agenda-Not complete to date

10   STEAP Grant applications-Still reviewing options for next application request

11.  FY 2009-10 Capital Projects

                                Old Town Hall Solar Panels (including roof and chimney)

12.   JAG Stimulus Grant –Additional appropriation $11375 ($9100 for grant and $2275 matching funds)

13.  DEP Testing Results-No new data

14.  Pinewoods Road-Town Attorney has request a 90 day extension

15.  Request of YMCA to release interest in land on Button Road-See public comments and New Business #2


New Business-

1.        SCWA Representative appointments:  A motion was made by Selectman Mullane and seconded by Selectman Ricker to reappoint Robert Shabunia and Michael Macina as representatives to the SCWA Advisory Board, for a two year term, carrying.  3-0

2.        Request of YMCA to release interest inland on Button Road-Robert Fleury requested that the matter be forwarded to the Conservation Commission to develop questions for YMCA attorney.

3.        Fill Material for Transfer Station/Bulky Waste Area (Sanitary Landfill)-Issue is whether Town should receive 18000 tons of material from Hartford Public Transportation complex for landfill cover material.  Selectman Ricker voiced objection.  Selectman Mullane made a motion not to accept the material, Selectman Murphy seconded, carrying 3-0  Selectman Murphy abstained.

Selectman Ricker made a motion not accept products and contaminates from contractors or organizations into our Landfill, general discussion, Selectman Murphy asked to move the question, vote was Selectman Mullane for and Selectman Ricker for and Selectman Murphy abstained.  Vote on question was Selectman Mullane for and Selectman Ricker and Murphy against.

Selectman Ricker made a motion to move subject to be further researched and bring back in one month time to Board of

Selectmen, seconded by Selectman Mullane, carrying 3-0

Public Comments and Questions

Adjournment-9:50 PM