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Board of Selectmen Minutes 04/21/2009

Town of North Stonington
Board of Selectmen
Regular Meeting
April 21, 2009
New Town Hall Conference Room
7:00 PM
Workshop-No Agenda Filed

Call to Order-Workshop Only-Called to order at 7:00 PM with Selectmen Mullane, Murphy and Ricker present
Public Comments and Questions-Gary Herbert, BOF representative, was in and discussed budgets.  Tim Main and Gary Bond discussed information on truck weights from county survey.
Minutes-Deferred until next week
       Letter from Governor Rell’s office regarding police grant for $9,100
       North Stonington Historical Society Newsletter
       Letter to Nick Rahall/Doc Hasings, Senate Resources Committee
       Letter to USDOT and RIDOT on Boombridge Road funding
Old Business-
1.   Tribal Issues-
        Letters to Congress on Trust Land- Letter was sent by Ledyard, Preston and North Stonington to Natural Resources Committee on Carcieri case, Mayor Allyn and Selectmen Mullane and Congdon had meeting with Representative Courtney will try to contact Senators Lieberman and Dodd for similar meeting.
2.   Subdivision Review and Planning and Zoning Issues-Information on proposed new church on Route 184
3.   Permanent School Building Project Committee
A.      Activities/membership-Ad Hoc Committee-No report
B.      Permanent School Planning and Building Committee Projects-Updating list with Board of Education
C.      Middle School/High School Heating System Code Update-No report
4.   Town Energy Projects
                Electrical Rate Bids-Review of bids, no action
                Wind farm Project-Review of two candidates, no action
5.   Town Hall Improvements-No report
6.  Kingswood/Meadowwood drainage review-No report
7.  Affordable Housing Committee-No report
8.  Hewitt property
                Dam Repairs
                Lease Renewals-Both 1750 House and Cabin lessees agreed to month to month leases until Committee and Selectmen can go to Town Meeting on policies and uses for the Hewitt Farm Property.
9.  Boombridge Road bridge-Selectman Mullane arranging for assignment meeting with engineering firm and ConnDOT
10.   FY 2009-2010 Budget
        FY 2008-09 Budget Close Out-General discussion only general information-Board of Finance to finalize tomorrow night.
11.   2009-2010 Legislative Agenda-Letter prepared OK to send
12    STEAP Grant applications-No information
13.  Stimulus Grants Application-Wind project has been added to North Stonington list
       New Business
        1.    Cemetery Association Request-Information provided, no action
        2.    EDC Membership replacement by party affiliation-General discussion, more research needed
        3.   Open Space and Conservation Easement Enforcement on town land/easements-No action
        4.   CIRMA Insurance proposal on Hewitt Property and Three Year Rate proposal-Deferred
        5.   Tax Refund-Deferred
        6.   Review Highway Vacancy/Highway (Executive Session)-A motion was made by Selectman Mullane to enter Executive Session at 9:00 PM, seconded by Selectman Ricker, carrying.  3-0
        Applications reviewed (70), ten finalists deferred to Steve Holliday, Highway Foreman and panel for review.  A motion was made by Selectman Murphy seconded by Selectman Ricker at 11:00PM to exit the Executive Session, carrying.  3-0   No action was taken.
        7.   Water Pollution Control Authority vacancy-No action
Public Comments and Questions
Adjournment-11:05 PM