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Board of Selectmen Minutes 08/25/2009
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Last Updated: 2009/9/9
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Last Updated: 2009/9/9



                                                               Town of North Stonington

                                                                Board of Selectmen

                                                                Regular Meeting

                                                                August 25, 2009

                                                                New Town Hall Conference Room

                                                                                                                             7:00 PM




Call to Order-7:00 PM with Selectmen Mullane, Ricker and Murphy present.

Public Comments and Questions—Mr. Ricker has a concern regarding the proposed beauty/massage facility at the Rotary complex.  Does it meet license requirements, town officials are monitoring.

Minutes-A motion was made by Selectman Murphy and seconded by Selectman Ricker to approve the minutes of August 18th, as presented.  Carrying.  3-0


Old Business-

1.   Tribal Issues

                Letters on Trust Land-A draft letter was presented to President Obama

2.   Subdivision Review and Planning and Zoning Issues-PZC will open the hearing on Milltown Commons on October 1st.

3.   Permanent School Building Project Committee

A.         Activities/membership-Ad Hoc Committee

                      Membership-No action, Walter Machwick name was brought up for possible candidate

B.          Permanent School Planning and Building Committee Projects

C.          Middle School/High School Heating System Code Update-


In attendance:  BOE: Darren Robert, David McCord, Mary Ann Ricker, Natalie Pukas, Ellie Banker, PSPBC: Steve Aiello, Ad Hoc Committee:  Bob Carlson, Sam Cherenzia, Arthur Jerbert, Brett, Mastroianni, Chris D’Angelo, BOF:  Gary Herbert

No stimulus funding is available for project.  Ad Hoc Committee does not think we should upgrade the Middle School heating system, Middle School may be a candidate for replacement, talked of replacing boilers in Elementary School and High School and changing to gas fuel, do piping changes later.  Much research to do.


Discussed:  Cost of temporary boilers

    Average cost for the past two years of oil vs. gas

    Discussion of a “piecemeal” fix

   “Elementary School/High School will not be eliminated”,  buildings are


    Request, in writing, from Design Learned, that all current design upgrades

    work meets State Code

 4.   Town Energy Projects

                              Wind farm Project-Additional grant applications are being developed

5.   Kingswood/Meadowwood drainage review-Specifications are done, need checking, camera used on Old Colony Road, found sagging in drainage pipe, can not determine how much.

6.  Affordable Housing Committee-No report

7.  Hewitt property

Committee Report-August 18th Committee met with Selectmen-Sent letter to Chairman Peterson with minutes and things-to-do.

                                Dam Repairs-No permit to date, have been told by DEP possibly one year to issuance of final permit.

                                Lease Renewals-Dew Drop Inn/Rosie’s-Selectman Mullane is working with attorney.

Hayfield specifications are done, will write letter to Mr. Perkins regarding donation for this year.

8.  Boombridge Road bridge

                                State and Federal Funding-Nick Mullane will write letter for Rhode Island fund help.

9.   FY 2009-2010 Budget-No State budget

      FY 2008-09 Budget Close Out Ok, General Government and BOE, need balancing

      2009-2010 Legislative Agenda-No budget or Legislative action

10   STEAP Grant applications-No news, eliminated in Governor’s next budget recommendation.

11.  Stimulus Grants Application-No funds to towns for individual projects, only JAG and Energy

12.   FY 2009-10 Capital Projects

                                Walking Floor Trailer purchase-Next week

                                Old Town Hall Painting-Specifications OK’d, get quotes

                                Old Town Hall Solar Panels(including roof and chimney)-No new data

                Senior Center Repairs-Authorized-Work is completed

13.   JAG Stimulus Grant Application-Pending

14  New Flood Plain Map/Regulations/Ordinance-Ongoing

15.   YMCA Property-Tabled, Selectman Ricker and Mullane are researching options

16.   Single stream recycling DRAFT contract review-Next week

17.   Call of Special Town Meeting-Tabled for next week, need BOF OK on language for item #1, no final recycling contract available yet

Delay of Revaluation

Resolution-Authorizing multi-year contract for Single Stream Recycling


§   New Business-

1.        State mandated Health District-Selectman Mullane will attend first meeting on Wednesday

2.        Police overtime-General discussion, all agreed no OT until State budget is settled

3.        Bud Fay fund request for BRAC-Selectman Murphy would like more background on request

4.        Open Space/Conservation Easement Ad Hoc Committee update-A motion was made by Selectman Ricker and seconded by Selectman Murphy to amend the agenda and discuss this item, carrying.  3-0

Nita Kincaid and Bob Fleury updated the Selectmen on

                Committee Process

                Explained things-to-do

                Provided a list of open space and easements conveyed to Town

Committee has developed a binder for each property; containing the deed, property cards, easement, mylars, and monitoring report, etc.

Public Comments and Questions

Adjournment-10:55 PM