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Board of Selectmen Minutes 01/29/2008

Town of North Stonington
Board of Selectmen
New Town Hall Conference Room
January 29, 2008
7:00 PM

Call to Order-7:00 PM with Selectmen Mullane, Ricker and Murphy present.
Public Comments and Questions-
Minutes-A motion was made by Selectman Ricker to accept the minutes of
January 22, 2008, seconded by Selectman Murphy, carrying 3-0
A motion was made by Selectman Ricker, seconded by Selectman Murphy to
accept the minutes of January 23, 2008-Joint Meeting, carrying. 3-0
*       Website samples of Clean Energy Program and Sign up forms
*       Attorney General letter regarding bonding costs
*       DEP Organic Land Care Pilot Project
*       Water test results for Village Waterline
*       Letter of Complaint from Deborah Downie regarding PZC
*       Cable Television meeting minutes
*       Eastern CT Workforce Investment Board Agenda and Minutes
*       Appointment letters for Fred Launer and Jon Edwards for
Conservation Commission
*       $250 Reward for Information on theft of Town signs
Old Business-
1.      Tribal Recognition-No report
2.      Annexation-No report
3.   Route 2 Road Modifications update-No report
4.      Subdivision Review and Planning and Zoning Issues-
                        Garden Court LLC-Application denied, Litigation
                        Babcock Ridge Subdivision-Hearing Scheduled to
Open                    1/10/08
Nine Month Moratorium-Implemented-The Selectmen    would like a progress
report and timeline for events
5.   Permanent School Building Project Committee activities-Attorney
Gillette is drafting an Ordinance for new Committees.
        Schools Facilities Master Plan-Draft Ltr. PSPBC volunteers
        Energy and Conservation program for Wheeler School complex-Mark
Donahue, Chairman, PSPBC asked that Board of Selectmen issue an RFP for
Solar project for the school facilities rather than PSBC.
6.   Town Energy Projects-RFP was mailed to 12 installers for 5
different locations of the general government
7.  Woodco Bond Draft letter with recommendations of drainage revisions
and conditions approved.
8.   Kingswood/Meadowwood drainage review-Consolidation of survey
progressing, completion estimate is approximately 2 weeks.
9.  Village Waterline Status Report-Passed Water testing, will pressure
test on Thursday.
10.  Affordable Housing Ad Hoc Committee-John Olsen gave a presentation
on Affordable housing committee, inventory of affordable housing, how to
comply, how to fulfill our statutory obligations.  The Selectmen will
revisit goals and purpose for the February 12th meeting including
11.      Route 49/Tom Wheeler Road ConnDOT signage and speed change
request response-DOT will put in curve progressive signage, intersection
signs at Route 49, and Tom Wheeler Road the Board agreed.
12.     Purchase of Mystic Seaport property by Town-Preliminary report
from lawyer, Attorney Eppinger will finalize report.
13.     STEAP Grant candidates-No action

14.     FY 2008-09 Budget- Presentations from
                        Joe Sastre from Groton Dispatch discussing 911
                        Glacial Energy discussed alternate energy
                        NSVFC, Chief Main and President Shabunia
reviewed budget
                        Highway Foreman Holliday reviewed capital
                        President Elias and Board member Fitzgerald
discussed the new
                        ambulance and FY2009 budget.
15.     North Stonington Ambulance Association Bid Recommendations-
after discussion of spec compliance a motion was made by Selectman
Murphy, seconded by Selectman Ricker to purchase a new ambulance from
Eastford Sales in the amount of $146,096 with trade-in of $6,000 for a
final price of $140,096.  Carrying  3-0
New Business
1.      Legislative Agenda-First Selectman Mullane provided last year's
for reference, he recommended developing a new agenda for FY 2008-09.
2.      Regional Transportation Plan No action
3.      Town Purchase of Electricity- Presentation by Glacial Energy on
estimated savings of 15-20% for Town buildings (not transmission) which
is 2/3 cost of each month's bills. Selectman Mullane noted if we chose
this option we should consider going to bid.  The value may violate the
Town's purchase policy if awarded without bid or RFP quotes.
Public Comments and Questions
Adjournment-11:45 PM