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Board of Selectmen Minutes 07/29/2008

Town of North Stonington
Board of Selectmen
New Town Hall Conference Room
July 29, 2008
7:00 PM

Call to Order-7:00 PM with Selectmen Mullane, Murphy and Ricker present.

Public Comments and Questions-Gladys Chase and Marilyn Mackay, Town
Registrars were present to ask that the Town endorse a forum of the
League of Women Voters and Registrars of Voters for the Fall election
candidates and also to educate the public on the use of new voting
machines.  After general discussion it was agreed that the Board will
support but not sponsor the event.
Residents from Billings Lake were in to ask the Board to send a request
to the State to drawdown Lake Billings, the Board agreed on the
condition that the members of the Association and Camp Whitman pay the
expense of the drawdown.  
Minutes-A motion was made by Selectman Ricker, seconded by Selectman
Mullane to approve the minutes of July 22, 2008, carrying.  3-0
Old Business-
1.      Tribal Issues-No report
2.      Subdivision Review and Planning and Zoning Issues-
                        Garden Court LLC-Record filed on July 25, 2008
                        Nine Month Moratorium-Implemented
3.      Permanent School Building Project Committee
A.       Activities/membership-No action
B.      Meeting with Board of Education/
BOS/PSPBC/Bond Counsel-August 20, 2008-Confirmed with Attorney Gillette,
at 6:30 PM
4.      Town Energy Projects
                Electrical Rate Bids-No report
                Windfarm Project-Mr. Mullane went to Senator Dodd's
office today to discuss grant funds to test site feasibility.
5.   Town Hall Improvements
                Doors-Mr. Mullane is pricing front and back doors for
the Old Town Hall
6.  Kingswood/Meadowwood drainage review-Camera to inspect the inside of
drainage pipes scheduled for next week
7.  Affordable Housing Ad Hoc Committee-Deadline has been extended for
receipt of survey
8.  Purchase of Mystic Seaport property by Town-Also in attendance were
Nita Kincaid, Curt Moussie, Bob Fleury, Mary Cooper and Ron Lewis.  The
Board reviewed and revised information package, questions and answers
for the BOF, and the Bond Counsel package.  A motion was made by
Selectman Mullane and seconded by Selectman Murphy to Resolve  that the
Town Clerk is authorized, in such official's discretion, to prepare a
concise explanatory text regarding said resolution and to prepare
additional explanatory materials regarding said resolution, such text
and explanatory material to be subject to the approval of the Town
Attorney and to be prepared and distributed in accordance with Section
9-369b of the General Statutes of Connecticut, Revision of 1958, as
amended., carrying 3-0  Selectman would like more detail on lead barium
found in testing of water and soil at dam site.  There was a discussion
of dates for the Town Meeting, Referendum and site walks for residents.
9.  FY 2007-08 Close-out, additional appropriations, and transfers-GEI
invoice for test at the Transfer Station in the amount of $1044.48 was
New Business
1.      Boards and Commissions appointments
                Inland Wetlands-A motion was made by Selectman Mullane
and seconded by Selectman Ricker to reappoint Duane White, George Brown,
and Mark Grigg to five year terms on the Inland Wetlands Commission,
carrying.  3-0
2.      Public Works Truck Purchase-A motion was made by Selectman
Mullane seconded by Selectman Ricker to  purchase(with borrowing) vs.
leasing of two F550 Highway Dump Trucks as long as BOF agrees.  Current
Estimated Prices $41676 per truck and $13,250 for equipment.  Carrying
3.      Boombridge Road bridge-Waiting for comment from consulting
engineers before processing the press release, letters to abutters, and
request for a consulting engineer.
4.      LoCIP Plan revisions-No action
Public Comments and Questions
Adjournment-9:58 PM