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Board of Selectmen Minutes 06/17/2008

Town of North Stonington
Board of Selectmen
New Town Hall Conference Room
June 17, 2008
7:00 PM

Call to Order-7:00 PM with Selectmen Mullane, Ricker, and Murphy
Public Comments and Questions-Ron Lewis requested that the Board of
Selectmen intervene and recommend a mediator for the Board of Education
to work together for the good of the Town.  
Pricillia Lewis asked about the I-95 improvements, how were decisions
Minutes-A motion was made by Selectman Murphy and seconded by Selectman
Mullane to approve the minutes of June 3, 2008, carrying.  3-0
Old Business-
1.      Tribal Issues-No report
2.      Subdivision Review and Planning and Zoning Issues-
                        Garden Court LLC-Application denied, Litigation
Filed-Pre-Trial Mediation has failed, suit is proceeding in the court
system to trial.
                        Nine Month Moratorium-Implemented-Nita Kincaid
expressed concern on the moratorium completion and that there is
considerable confusion on what has been accomplished i.e. new and/or
changed.  There is also discussion that if the date is not met the
existing regulation will remain in effect and the moratorium will be
3.      Permanent School Building Project Committee
A.       Activities/membership-No activities
B.      John Keane's letter-A letter has been received from J. Keane,
Chairman of the BOE Facilities committee in response to the Selectmen's
request to meet on the proposed school building project.  Mr. Keane
identified in his letter, option 3, developed by Kaestle Boos had been
chosen by the BOE and the BOE would like to meet with the Board of
Selectmen at their July 9, 2008 meeting.  That meeting is agreeable with
all the BOS members.  Selectman Mullane expressed concern that the BOE
has not yet identified need for the projects, what is the curriculum
before and after the project.
                        C.   Energy and Conservation program for Wheeler
School complex-No report
4.  Town Energy Projects-An energy survey was completed on all of the
Town buildings to identify cost saving of electrical usage.
                Electrical Rate Bids
5.  Kingswood/Meadowwood drainage review-Borings are complete on Old
Colony Road and Kingswood Drive.  Review of boring being prepared and
indicated little or no ledge on Kingswood Drive, Old Colony showed
significant ledge, including ledge underneath the Algonquin Gas Line.
Estimates for additional drainage will now be prepared based on the most
current information.
6.  Affordable Housing Ad Hoc Committee-Chris Chrissos was present and
the proposed survey was reviewed and changes were recommended and
Selectman Murphy made a motion to approve the survey as amended seconded
by Selectman Ricker, carrying.  3-0  It was also agreed to extend the
Committee's deadline until September 15, 2008.
7.  Purchase of Mystic Seaport property by Town-General discussion of
activity updates and status of the purchase of the Seaport/Hewitt
property including the costs of the dam repair , second design, and the
credit offered by the Seaport Board of Directors.  The Selectmen
requested additional information on a second quote on dam repair,
consider project management of 12-14% in the estimate having Karl
Acemovic make a presentation to the BOS.
8.  FY 2007-08 Close-out, additional appropriations, and
transfers-General Discussion, identified possible overage in the General
Government general attorney line item, but a transfer is possible for
the fixed charges department.
        New Business
1.      Comments to Board of Finance on budget process-Selectman Mullane
encourage the Selectmen to review the budget process to respond to the
BOF in order to improve the process.
2.      An Act concerning high mileage and/or hybrid motor vehicles-The
Assessor had asked if the Selectmen wanted to consider an ordinance in
accordance with PA 07-242, for a tax abatement for hybrid vehicles.
Selectman Mullane identified he owned a vehicle that would be effected
and would abstain on any decision, conclusion of discussion, no action
3.      2008-09 Truck purchases-Selectman Mullane asked permission to be
able to look for leftover 08 trucks approved in the FY2008-09 budget.
General consensus, approved and Selectman Mullane will bring back
vehicle descriptions and quotes for the Board's approval.  
4.      Transfer of Village waterline pipe and exclusive service area to
Southeastern Connecticut Water Authority-Selectman Mullane identified
the requirement to formally now turnover the Village to the SCWA, some
research is required and a letter will be drafted for future Board
5.      Woodco bond-Selectman Mullane stated that temporary fixed is
complete and inquired if all bond funds should be returned or a certain
amount retain for potential repairs until a permanent fix is completed.
Selectman Mullane would review the correspondence to Mr. Wood, as to
6.      Land donation- Selectman Mullane will forward to the
Conservation Commission for consideration, Mrs. Berg's of Lantern
Hill's, offer.  
7.      Bike lane on Main Street-After general discussion it was decided
to only install a bike lane where it is wide enough and safe enough.
Special concern was on the short length on Rocky Hollow as appropriate.
Public Comments and Questions
Adjournment-10:24 PM