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Board of Selectmen Minutes 09/02/2008

Town of North Stonington
Board of Selectmen
New Town Hall Conference Room
September 2, 2008
7:00 PM

 Call to Order-7:00 PM with Selectmen Mullane, Murphy, and Ricker present.
Public Comments and Questions-None
A motion was made by Selectman Murphy to approve the minutes of the Joint meeting held on August 20, 2008, seconded by Selectman Ricker, carrying.  3-0
A motion was made by Selectman Ricker, seconded by Selectman Mullane to approve the minutes of August 26, 2008, carrying.  3-0
       News articles on Schaghticoke claims
       Court Case Ruling on Schaghticoke group v. Department of Interior and State of Connecticut
       DEP Spill report for Pendleton Hill Road and I95
       DEP response to drawdown request for Lake Billings
       FEMA request for Topographic Data on North Stonington
       Milone & MacBroom letter of Transmittal regarding traffic near Holly Green and Hilltop Hotel
       News article on DCF report for Stonington Institute
       Architectural Contract for the Fire House renovations
Old Business-
1.      Tribal Issues – A major decision was sent down by Federal Judge Dorsey on the Schaghticoke recognition.  All claims by the Indian group were rejected supporting the BIA decision to not grant Federal Recognition, their were some similarities between the Schaghticoke and Eastern Pequot claims.  There is a possibility of appeal but the judge was very through and detailed in addressing all the issues raised by the Group that it was unlikely an appeal would be successful.  
2.      Subdivision Review and Planning and Zoning Issues-
Garden Court LLC-Record filed on August 4, 2008 -Implemented-An extension has been requested, hearing scheduled for September 4th.
3.      Permanent School Building Project Committee
A.       Activities/membership          A call will be written for two items
B.      Revision of Ordinance           with a draft of the Resolution.
4.      Town Energy Projects
                Electrical Rate Bids-No report
                Wind farm Project-No report
5.   Town Hall Improvements-No report
6.  Kingswood/Meadowwood drainage review-Engineers Patrick Lafayette and Normand Thibeault, Jr. were present to review the internal piping inspection that reveled that roots were growing inside the drainage causing blockage/reduced flow after discussion, it was determined to do further inspection of the internal piping.
7.  Affordable Housing Ad Hoc Committee-No report
8.  Closing of Mystic Seaport property by Town-Karl Acemovic’s new dam report was sent to the Seaport by email.  Also concerns with vandalism at Old School House, town is continuing to work toward closing.
9.  FY 2007-08 Close-out, additional appropriations, and transfers-Reports provided, no changes.
10.     Boombridge Road bridge-Design builds due September 16th.
11.     LoCIP Plan revisions-No actions

New Business
1.       Town Hall parking lot-An engineering evaluation will be requested.
2.      Call of Town meeting
•       Town Clerk preservation grant-It was determined that the Resolution did not need Town Meeting approval, only a resolution by the Selectmen.  Therefore, a motion was made by Selectman Murphy, seconded by Selectman Ricker to Resolve that Nicholas H. Mullane, II is empowered to execute and deliver in the name of North Stonington any contract with the State of Connecticut State Library for a Historic Documents Preservation Grant., carrying.  3-0  A motion was then made by Selectman Ricker, seconded by Selectman Murphy to reaffirm the Non Discrimination Certification as follows:

        Resolved that the Board of Selectmen of the Town of North Stonington hereby adopts as its policy to support non discrimination agreements and warranties required under Connecticut General Statutes 4a-60(a)(1), as amended in State of Connecticut Public Act 07-245 and sections 9(a)(1) and 10 (a)(1) of Public Act 07-142.
Carrying.  3-0
•       Amendment to PSBC ordinance-Town Meeting action above.
Public Comments and Questions-Gary Herbert asked where were funds for new PSPBC Ad Hoc Committee coming from?  General discussion, no final answer for action.
Adjournment-9:56 PM