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Board of Selectmen Minutes 12/30/2008
Board of Selectmen
New Town Hall Conference Room
December 30, 2008
7:00 PM

Call to Order: 7:00 pm Selectmen Mullane, Murphy and Ricker present

Public Comments and Questions:

Minutes: Selectman Ricker moved to accept minutes of December 23, 2008,
seconded by Selectman
           Murphy, Accepted 3/0                
Correspondence:  State if Connecticut Treasurer's quarterly report
           Connecticut Citing Council re: Petition No. 871
           Letter from North Stonington Planning & Zoning re: Wind farm
           Letter to Downes-Patterson Corporation re: Informal notice of
                 Letter from Eastern Connecticut Conservation District
re: FY 09/10 funding
  E-One purchase agreement
           GEI Consultants re:  Quarterly water testing at the Transfer
           Memo from SCCOG re: Regional web-based GIS
           Emergency Medical Services report

Old Business-

1.   Tribal Issues: No report
2.   Subdivision Review and Planning and Zoning Issues-
Garden Court LLC-Record filed on August 4, 2008- no report
3.   Permanent School Building Project Committee
Activities/membership- no report
CGS 8-24 Approval of School Building Projects (Booster project)- no
High school and middle school heating system replacement included in
Governor's stimulus request
4.   Town Energy Projects
        Electrical Rate Bids- No report
Wind farm Project- Shawn Shaw of CADMUS Group LLC was interviewed as a
consultant for the Town to evaluate the wind project on Wintechog Hill
Road.  The following was discussed:
1.  Wind map outdated/ Get alternate wind map data - wind navigator map
2.  Not taking advantage of tax credits
3.  O & M look o.k. but concern of cedar box replacement
4.  Conflict of interest
5.  Estimate 2-3 K 1st
6.  Timing of Town forum
7.  No inflation of O & M
8.  No consideration for inflation of electric income
9.  Town staff added
5.   Town Hall Improvements- no report
6.  Kingswood/Meadowwood drainage review - drainage upgrades submitted
to Governor's stimulus request
7.  Affordable Housing Committee- no report
8.  Mystic Seaport property Dam Repairs
        Home Repairs- Hot water heater & room heater installed, waiting
for fan for room heater
        Dam Repair- No report
9.  Boombridge Road bridge-
        Report of Design Review Team report- No report
10.   FY 2009-2010 Budget - The following was discussed with Brian Elias
from the NSAA:
        * 08/09 budget performance- Outlook through the end of the year
to keep within budget
        * Staff availability to place a full crew every shift / still at
historical average
        * Response time with full crew available
        * Need of a second new ambulance in the 09/10 budget
        * Provided data on regional missed calls and average response
        * Bang for buck should be considered good
        * Running the ambulance while in a restaurant or other stops    
11.   2009-2010 Legislative Agenda- General discussion, no action taken
12    STEAP Grant applications- No action on STEAP but considerable
discussion on Governor's stimulus   
        candidates and to forward the following candidates 1.  to
replace heating system in High/Middle School, 2.  added drainage in
Kingswood/Meadowwood, 3.  install solar on the Old Town Hall and 4.  add
water tank and extend Village Water Line.

New Business
1.  Fire Truck bid results/bid award: Final signed contract received

Public Comments and Questions

Adjournment:  10.32 pm