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Board of Selectmen Minutes 02/19/2008

Town of North Stonington
Board of Selectmen
New Town Hall Conference Room
February 19, 2008
7:00 PM

Call to Order-7:00 PM with Selectmen Mullane, Ricker and Murphy present
Public Comments and Questions-Brian Rathbun stated he supported the
purchase of the Mystic Seaport property and wanted the property
preserved for the remainder of the 99 year covenant.
Art Pintauro of Kingswood asked when the drainage solution would be
determined.  Selectman Mullane stated that engineering recommendations
would be ready for review and was told by the Board that it would be
approximately two more months.
Minutes-A motion was made to accept the minutes of February 12, 2008, as
presented by Selectman Ricker, seconded by Selectman Murphy, carrying.
*       Letter from Diana regarding Affordable Housing
*       Historical Society Newsletter
*       Election Audit Announcement-North Stonington has been chosen
*       Connecticut DEP letter reminding towns of the annual New England
Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission meeting, May 19-21, 2008,
in Mystic
*       Petition from Anna Farm West residents requesting paving of the
*       Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day schedule for 2008
*       SCRRRA tonnage date, North Stonington is down over 140 Tons from
last year at this time
Old Business-
1.      Tribal Recognition-No report
2.      Annexation-There were Indian findings on Coal Pit Road in a new
proposed Griswold subdivision.  The Narragansett Tribe was concerned
that the subdivision would not disturb the findings.
3.   Route 2 Road Modifications update-No report
4.      Subdivision Review and Planning and Zoning Issues-
                        Garden Court LLC-Application denied, Litigation
                        Babcock Ridge Subdivision-Hearing Scheduled to
Open 1/10/08
                        Nine Month Moratorium-Implemented-Selectman
Ricker has requested an update on progress on moratorium from PZC.
5.      Permanent School Building Project Committee activities
        School Facilities Master Plan-Draft letter PSPBC
volunteers-Darren Robert, Chairman BOE attended the meeting and asked
the status of the letter to residents and was told the letter would go
to the BOF and then to BOE and then be mailed out.  General discussion
on proposed Ordinance, and whether or not the BOE had any comments, Mr.
Robert informed the Selectmen that his Board had taken no action.   
        Energy and Conservation program for Wheeler School complex-RFP
have been sent for School facilities.  Mr. Robert commented that the BOE
was not in favor of this RFP on any of the School Buildings due to
possible modifications to the buildings in a school building project.
After general discussion it was determined that the Elementary School
and the Gymatorium may not be disturbed therefore systems could be
installed on those two structures.  Mr. Robert contended we should not
install a system on the High School/Middle School and felt that RFP
should be cancelled.  Mr. Mullane expressed frustration that a system on
the building would make it far more valuable and cost effective to
operate.  If the RFP was sent the Town would  have estimates of cost and
available grant funding.  Mr. Robert persisted, the Selectmen conceded
and Mr. Mullane was directed to cancel the RFP for solar panels on the
Middle/High School building.  
6.   Town Energy Projects-RFP is out pending responses from vendors for
five municipal buildings.
7.  Woodco Bond-Board agreed it was time to send a second letter to Mr.
 8.   Kingswood/Meadowwood drainage review-Engineering is continuing  
       and expected in approximately 2 months.
9.      Affordable Housing Ad Hoc Committee-Tabled since there is still
no firm list of members to be appointed.  A Suggestion was received from
Marilyn Mackay if the Seaport land was purchased that two of the housing
units be made Affordable Housing units .
10.     Purchase of Mystic Seaport property by Town- If the land was
purchased it was recommended that there could be no changes in land use
without Town Meeting approval.  A grant will be filed for assistance in
purchase and Mr. Bates noted a purchase agreement will be available in
about two weeks.
11.     STEAP Grant candidates-General discussion of two candidates,
Boombridge Bridge, $300,000 and the NSVFC new station design and
engineering $300,000.
12.     FY 2008-09 Budget-General review.  Little League, Troopers,
Recreation and GIS will be asked to attend next week's meeting.
Selectman Mullane stated to get to a zero percent increase in the
operating an additional $125,000 will have to be cut from the budget.
13.     Legislative Agenda-A meeting is tentatively scheduled for next
week with Representative Diana Urban and possibly Senator Andrew
New Business
1       EDC Appointment-A motion was made by Selectman Murphy to appoint
Mark Perkins, Jr., seconded by Selectman Mullane, carrying 2/0/1 with
Selectman Ricker abstaining wanting a recommendation from EDC.

2       Village stop sign-Main Street and Wyassup-Tabled for next week
3       Village Improvements-Limpert Letter-The Board will draft a
letter for Selectmen's review.
Public Comments and Questions
Adjournment-11:50 PM