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Board of Selectmen Minutes 04/22/2008

Town of North Stonington
Board of Selectmen
New Town Hall Conference Room
April 22, 2008
7:00 PM

Call to Order-7:00 PM  with Selectmen Murphy, Mullane, and Ricker
Public Comments and Questions-
Minutes-A motion was made by Selectman Ricker and seconded by Selectman
Murphy to approve the minutes of April 15, 2008, as amended, carrying.
Old Business-
1.      Tribal Issues-No report
2.      Subdivision Review and Planning and Zoning Issues-No report
                        Garden Court LLC-Application denied, Litigation
                        Babcock Ridge Subdivision-Hearing Open 1/10/08
                        Nine Month Moratorium-Implemented
        3.      Permanent School Building Project Committee
activities/membership-A motion was made by Selectman Mullane, seconded
by Selectman Murphy to appoint Sal Costanza to the Committee, carrying.
        Energy and Conservation program for Wheeler School complex
4.      Town Energy Projects
                Electrical Rate Bids-Briefing by Selectman Ricker on
Energy Meeting in Hartford on energy/electric costs the facts, myths,
and hidden costs.
5.      Kingswood/Meadowwood drainage review-Patrick Lafayette and
Norman Thibeault, Jr. presented a study of the drainage in the
development.  The study summarized the piping as being flat with little
or no slope and in a few cases is working in reverse making flow
difficult, Mr. Lafayette stated the system is acting as an under drain
as well as a road drainage system.  The Board was asked about next step
and corrective action and Mr. Mullane stated he would have an answer for
the question in two weeks.
6.      Affordable Housing Ad Hoc Committee- No report
7.      Purchase of Mystic Seaport property by Town-Received the sales
agreement from Attorney Eppinger for review and comment.  A package has
been sent to the AG's office to answer some of the outstanding questions
i.e. can the Seaport sell?  Can the Town purchase?  What land uses would
apply if Town does purchase?  The Board discussed whether to present the
proposal during the budget process or after.  No decisions.
                Use of CNR funds for Mystic Seaport purchase
8.      FY 2008-09 Budget
A.      $50,000 Request for School Building Project by Board of
Education-No action
B.      $105,000 reduction requested by the Board of Finance-General
discussion of possible reductions, will finalize next week.  First
Selectman Mullane also noted that there are some added increases to line
items for fuel, etc. as well and must revise the large capital items to
include expenses of borrowing costs, and expenses on the Seaport.
New Business
1.      Tax Refund-A motion was made by Selectman Mullane and seconded
by Selectman Murphy to approve the refund of $162.72 to Waketta Speh,
and also to approve the refund of $142.94 to Jessica Sellins, carrying

        Mr. Don Aubrey of Towne Engineering and Marc Tate, GIS Director
for North Stonington and First Selectman Congdon of Preston were present
for a presentation of field research on the North Stonington Northern
Town Boundary which abuts Preston, Griswold, and Voluntown.  Mr. Tate
had prepared a nine foot map plotting the various markers, found in the
field with Mr. Aubrey.  Mr. Tate had drawn the existing Town line and
three other lines through points for what could be Town lines.  Mr.
Aubrey identified seven stone and one DEP steelpin markers and the
Connecticut Rhode Island North Stonington Hopkinton marker and stretched
a string across the map which intersected all of the nine points, the
seven rock piles were constructed in the same manner, shape and style.
North Stonington Selectmen and Mr. Congdon were of the opinion that the
research and points and mapping were substantial evidence as to the
location of the town line.
Mr. Mullane and Mr. Tate had met with Mr. Grimm, First Selectman from
Voluntown and had provided him with all of the research.  He had no
problems with the data and potential lines because he would gain land in
all cases and it affects no dwellings.
Mr. Anthony, First Selectman of Griswold could not make the meeting
because of a conflict with a budget meeting in his town.  First
Selectman Mullane and Mr. Tate will visit Griswold and meet with the
Selectmen and present the findings.  Mr. Tate will redo the map to
reflect the findings.  When the map is finalized Mr. Aubrey will be
required to complete a survey map and markers will be required to be set
in the field.
Public Comments and Questions
Adjournment-11:50 PM