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Board of Selectmen Minutes 09/09/2008

Town of North Stonington
Board of Selectmen
New Town Hall Conference Room
September 9, 2008
7:00 PM

Call to Order-7:03 PM with Selectmen Mullane and Ricker present.
Public Comments and Questions-None
Minutes-A motion was made by Selectman Ricker to approve the minutes of September 2, 2008, seconded by Selectman Mullane, carrying.  2-0
       DEP The Municipal Primer your guide to creating a “Green and Growing Community”
       GEI Water monitoring at Transfer Station
       Monthly Statistics for the Resident Troopers
       Carlson Forum on Tax Relief for the elderly
       PNC Invitation – September 25th meeting to be held at the North Stonington Grange Hall
Old Business-
1.      Tribal Issues – No report
2.      Subdivision Review and Planning and Zoning Issues-Selectman Mullane will ask PZC for response to moratorium expense letter.
Garden Court LLC-Record filed on August 4, 2008
3.      Permanent School Building Project Committee
A.      Activities/membership-No action
B.      Revision of Ordinance-A motion was made by Selectman Ricker, seconded by Selectman Mullane to approve the draft ordinance to send to Town Meeting, carrying.  2-0  A copy of the revised draft will be sent to the BOE for review and comment.
C.      Ballfield drainage-OK to move ahead, Selectman Mullane will speak to BOE and Wetlands Commission.  The PSPBC has agreed it has been on their list of things to do and agrees it needs to be done.
4.      Town Energy Projects
                Electrical Rate Bids-No report
                Wind farm Project-No report
5.   Town Hall Improvements-Madeline Jeffrey hoped the Town would begin a green program for the Town.
6.  Kingswood/Meadowwood drainage review-Drainage inspection camera will be in next Thursday for more visual inspection for root and obstruction clearing.
7.  Affordable Housing Ad Hoc Committee-No report
8.  Closing of Mystic Seaport property by Town-Items found in home inspections, working with Seaport to prioritize and fix problems, the closing may be delayed for a short time.
9.  FY 2007-08 Close-out, additional appropriations, and transfers-No changes
10.     Boombridge Road bridge-Design Bids are due September 16th
LoCIP Plan revisions- Need to revise plan because of incurring costs and anticipated costs on both project.
                Boombridge Road Bridge-
                Kingswood Drainage
New Business
1.       Town Hall parking lot-Karl Acemovic will send repair options for next week’s meeting
2.      Call of Town meeting
•       Town Clerk preservation grant-Handled last week at Selectmen’s meeting
•       Amendment to PSBC ordinance-Will set a date next week for Town Meeting.  Copy forwarded to the BOE for comments.
3.      Appointment of PSPBC-A motion was made by Selectman Mullane, seconded by Selectman Ricker to appoint Ken Gillis, Main’s Crossing Road , to the Commission for a two year term to expire in September, 2010, carrying.  2-0
                         Inland Wetlands-A motion was made by Selectman Mullane, seconded by Selectman Ricker to re-appoint Arthur Dobley, Old Colony Road, to the Inland Wetlands Commission for a five year term to expire in April, 2013, carrying.  2-0
Public Comments and Questions- Mr. Ricker inquired if in Mr. Baumann, Civil Preparedness Director could schedule to conduct some certification.
Adjournment-8:29 PM