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Board of Selectmen Minutes 08/13/2007

Town of North Stonington
Board of Selectmen
New Town Hall Conference Room
August 13, 2007
7:00 PM
Call to Order-7:00 PM with Selectmen Mullane, Peterson and Hescock
Public Comments and Questions-None presented
Minutes-A motion was made by Selectman Peterson, seconded by Selectman
Hescock, carrying.  3-0  Selectman Hescock asked that the minutes of
July 10th be revisited to supplement the comments, deferred to the next
Selectmen's meeting.
*       Energy Seminar, September 11, 2007
*       CT Siting Council agenda for changes to facility site at
Boombridge Road, would not increase tower heights, extend the boundaries
of the tower sites, would increase noise levels at the tower site
boundaries by six decibels and increase the total radio frequencies
electromagnetic radiation power densities measured at the tower site
boundaries to or above the standard adopted by the State DEP pursuant to
CGS 22a-162.   Carefully modeled to ensure that radio frequency
emissions are conservatively below State and Federal standards.
*       Notice of exempt modifications to Tower at 267 Norwich Westerly
*       Letter to Joseph Cristalli regarding no DUI Grant for North
Stonington for the Labor Day Holiday
*       Letter of request to Representative Diana Urban for $2M for
Boombridge Road Bridge
*       Conservation Easement letter of OK to construct 20 Wintechog
Hill Road
*       2007 Final Draft of Regional Plan of Conservation and
Development for COG is ready
*       July, 2007, SCRRRA tonnage list
*       Bison Brook Farms Special Permit application
*       125 Babcock Road PZC application
*       Storey caretaker application for Yawbux Valley Road
*       Abbotts' Violation to Home Occupation permit
*       Letter from PZC to Hopkinton Town Council regarding zone change
Old Business-
1.      Tribal Recognition-Selectman Hescock would like to review the
Amicus Brief before considering
2.      Annexation-No report
3.   Route 2 Road Modifications update-The MPTN submitted potential
revisions to Route 2, copies are to be placed in Selectmen's mail
baskets for information.  Additional information is needed on EIS
requirements and procedural methods.
4.      Subdivision Review and Planning and Zoning Issues
                Milltown Commons-Hearing proceeding
                Garden Court LLC-Hearing proceeding
                Film Studio Regulations-No action taken, EDC letter
stands on it own, no necessary action by the Board of Selectmen.
5.      Assekonk Swamp Walkway-No action taken
6.      Permanent School Building Project Committee activities
                Sealing of Parking Lots-Authorized and in process
                Schools Facilities Master Plan-No report, the Board of
Selectmen should not spend any money until budget is approved.
7.      Budget 2007-08
        Line Item Veto-Selectman Hescock provided a letter requesting
Ordinance be  adopted, first an Ordinance must be drafted.
        Ordinance Mandating Referendum Vote -Selectman Hescock provided
a letter requesting Ordinance be  adopted, first an Ordinance must be
drafted.  First Selectman Mullane will check with some towns without
charters that are our size to see if they have model ordinances.
        Highway Union Contract Ratification--Executive Session-A motion
was made by Selectman Hescock, seconded by First Selectman Mullane to
approve the CBA for the Highway Union for 2007-2010, carrying.  3-0
8.       Close Out FY 2006-07-No additional appropriations, or transfers
9.      Woodco Bond-No action
10.   SCWA appointment-Need new advisory board representative, Selectman
Mullane has been appointed as a regular board member and a vacancy now
exists on the advisory board.  General discussion, no action taken.
11.   Waterline in the Village-Still  reviewing with CT DPH to finalize
bid specifications.
New Business

        1     Vote on FY 2007/08 Budget
                Budget changes

                        GIS Mapping $9000 reduction
                        Paw. Neighborhood Center $500 reduction
                        Cemeteries $500 reduction
                        Recreation $500 reduction
                        Conservation Comm $450 reduction
                        Town Hall Exp. $2000 reduction
                        NSVFC $2000 reduction
                        Town Rd. Maint. $3000 reduction
                        State Troopers $1750 reduction
                        Med Insurance $13,400 reduction
A motion was made to make the above referenced reductions by Selectman
Hescock, seconded by Selectman Mullane, carrying.  3-0
        The Holly Green roof repairs $8176 addition to capital- A motion
was made by Selectman Hescock, seconded by Selectman Peterson to add
this item to the budget capital, carrying.  2-1 with Selectman Mullane
against, he suggested taking the funds from the already existing CNR
Town Property improvements funds which would eliminate the need for an
additional $8176 in additional budget reductions.  
        2.    Call of Special Town Meeting-A special Selectmen's Meeting
will be posted for Thursday, August 16, 2007, in anticipation of the
Board of Finance adoping a budget of the following items
                        General Government budget-Yes
                        Board of Education budget-Yes
                        EDC Ordinance Amendments-Not at this time
                        Delta Dental Contract -5 yr Contract-Hold for
more price                      research
Public Comments and Questions
Adjournment-9:40 PM