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Board of Selectmen minutes 9/25/07
Town of North Stonington
Board of Selectmen
New Town Hall Conference Room
September 25, 2007
7:00 PM
Call to Order-7:00 PM with Selectmen Mullane, Peterson, and Hescock present
Public Comments and Questions-Nita Kincaid asked about three way race and how voting determined Selectmen’s position.
Minutes-A motion was made by Selectman Hescock, seconded by Selectman Mullane to approve the minutes of September 18th, carrying.  3-0
  • National Federation of the Blind Proclamation next week
Selectman Mullane will attend COG regional meeting on Ethics policy
ConnDOT letter regarding Emergency Vehicle Pre-Emption
Department of Consumer Protection Notice of Pubic Hearing
  • Eastern CT Workforce Investment Board Agenda
  • Anna Farm Road East Petition
Old Business-
  • Tribal Recognition-New proposed Bill in the United States House which could be of concern, would establish a panel of Indian advocates to replace BIA process.  Selectman Peterson states that sovereign rights is incompatible with civil rights for all American citizens and until that problem is addressed the town will be facing these problems for a long, long time.
3.   Route 2 Road Modifications update- Selectman Hescock edited letter to Governor Rell and also included legal argument and all Selectmen will sign
  • Subdivision Review and Planning and Zoning Issues
                Milltown Commons-Hearing Closed, PZC Deliberating
                Garden Court LLC-  Selectman Mullane brought up the issue of affordable housing and stated he had done some research on the subject so the Town can have a better understanding of the subject.
a.  He intends to approach COST and CCM and have legislation, Home Connecticut,  reviewed for additional changes and especially how affordable housing is calculated in North Stonington, the Town is not being credited for the units it has because of the method of counting affordable housing units.
b.  He mentioned Ann Brown’s Ordinance of Qualified Affordable Accessory Apartments that may also be of assistance on the Town’s count of units.
c.  He mentioned helping PZC with more funding to complete the regulations for the Town Plan of Conservation and Development
d.  Selectman Mullane reported that some residents want to look at splitting the PZC again into two separate commissions.
e.  SB1500 and Connecticut General Statutes cites to have an authority or affordable housing committee or possibly a subcommittee of the PZC for affordable housing issues.  The Town could reopen the Plan of Conservation and Development seriates, and get whole Town involved.  More people now want to get involved to help the Town.  Selectman Hescock stated that the 40 year requirement is a great impediment.
f.  The issue of flooding zones have been mentioned to research which may be of help.
Hearing has been continued for several more weeks.
5.   Assekonk Swamp Walkway-Grading continuing
  • Permanent School Building Project Committee activities
                Schools Facilities Master Plan-No reports
  • Budget 2007-08-Referendum on Education is scheduled for October 1, 2007
        Line Item Veto-No action
        Ordinance Mandating Referendum Vote-No action
  • Woodco Bond-No response to date
 9.   SCWA Appointment-No action
10.  WPCA Appointments-No action
11.  Waterline in Village-Advertisement will appear at the end of the week and bids are due back on October 16, 2007.
12.   Revisions to financial reporting (B. Borden Letter 9/10) response-Waiting for BOF response
New Business
  • Emergency Vehicle Pre-Emption for Mystic Road intersection-After general discussion it was agreed to authorize DOT to install pre-emptor $1000 and six controllers for trucks out of street light account..
  • Tax Refund-A motion was made by Selectman Peterson to refund taxes to Joseph Tennant in the amount of $217.13, seconded by Selectman Mullane, carrying.  3-0
  • Probate Court space-Letter from the State Probate administration, Rep. Lawlor, says that Town is in violation of space requirements since the space is shared with another town agency.
  • Anna Farm Road petition-Selectman Mullane and Mr. Holliday will inspect
Public Comments and Questions-Pat Lafayette, PE will be in next week to discuss Kingswood drainage
Adjournment-9:36 PM