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Board of Selectmen Minutes 06/05/2007

Town of North Stonington
Board of Selectmen
New Town Hall Conference Room
June 5, 2007
7:00 PM
Call to Order-7:00 PM with all Selectmen present.
Public Comments and Questions-
Minutes-A motion was made by Selectman Hescock, seconded by Selectman
Peterson to approve the minutes of May 22, 2007, carrying.  3-0
A motion was made by Selectman Hescock, seconded by Selectman Peterson
to approve the minutes of May 31, 2007, as presented, carrying.  3-0
*       Universal Healthcare Foundation annual report
*       Department of Veterans' Affairs, Saturday, June 9th, Armed
Forces Day
*       I 95 Rest Area Service Plaza Study Advisory Committee meeting
*       Forestry RFP requests for grants
*       Representative Joe Courtney's new office addresses and contacts
*       STC vs. Town Post Hearing Brief in Opposition to MPTN
application for stay
*       Tribal Memorandum of Law opposition to Injunction
*       Marien and Company Closing Funds that are not being used
*       North Stonington Water Supply Plan (revised)
*       GEI Transfer Station monitoring results
*       Selectmen's memo to all Boards and Commissions regarding FY
close out
*       Violation letter to Raymond Trebisacci regarding Babcock Road
*       Memos to John DeCastro, Norwich ConnDOT regarding truck stop
stop bars and turn lane at Holly Green
*       NEWS RELEASE from North Stonington Resident Troopers with
results of June 2nd traffic checkpoint, 2 DUI's
*       Resident State Troopers' May statistics
*       COG Agenda, on Regional Plan of Conservation and Development
Steering Committee, First Selectman Mullane did attend, Public Meeting
to be held June 28th, Groton Long Point.
*       DEP Green Plan Draft
Old Business-
1.      Tribal Recognition-No report
2.      Annexation-No report
3.      Route 2 Road Modifications update-Executive Session-Deferred
until end of meeting.
4.       Subdivision Review and Planning and Zoning Issues-Affordable
housing with Attorney Bates item #1 under new business
5.      Assekonk Swamp Walkway-Railing fencing has been installed.
Railings are being fabricated to suit ADA requirements, site work
6.      Little League appropriation request-The deed and attachments
have been received, a letter, deed, land description, and reverter
clause.  The Reverter clause is not as discussed and the intent of the
resolution of the Little League Board of Directors had not yet been
incorporated into the legal paperwork.  The Town Attorney has not be
available to review the documents and until that time the Selectmen
deferred any decision on the matter. The Little League did provide a
letter from Don Henne, Conservation Commission, March 24, 2006, as to
their support of the project and identified that a letter was received
from the Executive Director of Stonington Institute of support and
commented that it had passed all of the PZC requirements.  
7.      Permanent School Building Project Committee activities-There has
been no attendance by any contractors for walk through on Elementary
School Alarm system.  
8.      Budget 2007-08
        Revision to Budget
        Will Budget be sent to Referendum?  YES with two questions-June
19,             2007
        How many questions should new referendum card be programmed
for?            Tabled
9.      Highway Union Contract Draft Review-No agreement yet,
negotiations are scheduled to continue later in June.
10.      Additional appropriation/Transfers/Close Out FY 2006-07
                Holly Green Roofing Project-No information available yet
                Auditing Consulting-Not needed
Board of Education School Facilities Master Plan request-Discussion is
being deferred until after budget approval
New Business
1.      Attorney Tim Bates-Housing Development-Boombridge Road-Attorney
Bates and Developer Jim Ruskowski were present and gave a concept
presentation to the Board of a 408 unit complex off Boombridge Road i.e.
old Romanella Gravel Bank, 96 acres.  The complex will contain 123
affordable housing units the remaining will be for sale and rent.
Attorney Bates commented "We don't expect that this is going to be, how
shall we say it, a popular proposal"  He continued this is intended to
be workforce housing.  Selectman Mullane stated that Selectmen should be
interested in this in regard to septic/package plants even though they
will be approved by the State.  We will also be interested in the water
system, drainage, wetlands, road and parking arrangements, emergency
service response (fire, police, and ambulance) and the maintenance
agreements on the facility.  These would include maintenance, snow
removal, care of driveways and parking area, and the access in and out
of the facility at a minimum.  There was an acknowledgement of the size
of the project and concern as to whether the site could support that
concentrated development.  Selectman Peterson also commented that the
Fire Company was not equipped to handle 4-story buildings and could
require a ladder truck, some available by mutual aid, but with no
guarantee and that these facilities could place additional burdens on
our volunteer company to go to full time paid firefighters.
2.      Tax Refund(s)-A motion was made by Selectman Peterson, seconded
by Selectman Hescock to refund $73.71 to Elrik S.Holter, carrying.  3-0
3.      Conservation Subdivision-Selectman Mullane informed the Board
that there had been  a violation of the conservation easement on Babcock
Road and a letter was sent to Attorney Trebaschi to refurbish the area
to natural condition.  We are awaiting a site drawing of proposal.  
4.      Woodco Bond-Selectman Mullane identified that a bond is still
being held on the expired Woodco Subdivision, Route 184, in the amount
of $63,612.72 which can be utilized in refurbishing the area as
described in a letter dated February 13, 2003, from the Town.  After
general discussion Selectman Hescock wanted a letter from Town Attorney
as to whether the Town has the authority to expend the bond.   
5.      Truck Stop Air Quality Testing Request-General consensus by
Selectman Hescock and Peterson was that this was a PZC issue not one for
the Board and that we should not be involved.  Selectman Mullane said if
there was no objection he would approach the State Truck Stop Rest Area
Committee of which he is a member and see if they will perform the
testing.  No objections.
6.      Village Crosswalk line painting request-General comment was that
the crosswalk should not be used for speed control, no lines to be
painted in Village.
7.      Town Meeting results (6-4-07)  Results/Action-No discussion
8.      Selectmen/Town Meeting Schedule June 12th and Referendum
19th?-No Selectmen's Meeting on the 12th and the Board tentatively set a
meeting for the 18th.
9.   DUI Enforcement grant/additional appropriation request- A motion
was made by Selectman Mullane, seconded by Selectman Hescock to request
an additional appropriation in the amount of $10,725 for the Resident
State Troopers Holiday Grant.  Carrying.  3-0
10. ZBA Court Results (Executive Session)- A motion was made to enter
session to discuss the ZBA vs. Lanzius litigation and the Route 2 STC
appeal at 10:01 PM by Selectman Mullane, seconded by Selectman Peterson
carrying.  Session adjourned at 10:27 PM. No action taken
Public Comments and Questions
Adjournment-10:28 PM