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Board of Selectmen Minutes 07/03/2007

Town of North Stonington
Board of Selectmen
New Town Hall Conference Room
July 3, 2007
7:00 PM
Call to Order-7:00 PM with Selectmen Mullane, Peterson, and Hescock
Public Comments and Questions-Concern about news comments regarding
build-out of Route 2
Minutes-A motion was made by to accept the minutes of June 26, 2007, as
amended, seconded, carrying.  3-0.  Minutes for the cancelled meeting of
June 29, 2007, Union Contract Ratification were also filed.  
*       Draft Proposed Worksheet for tasks and goals-Conservation
*       Appeal Withdrawal filing for Town vs. State STC
*       2007 Affordable Housing Appeals List-Department of Economic and
Community Development
*       Northeast Utilities Amended Schedules by CLP
*       Letter to Attorney Trebisacci, re:  Conservation Easement
violation-Babcock Road
*       Murphy Road petition for millings of road
*       PZC letters of violation and abatements
*       Historical Society newsletter
*       Appointment letter to P. Lewis, for Conservation Commission
*       Website update memo from Marc Tate, GIS/IT Coordinator
*       Tfc Vic Lenda memorandum regarding speeding on Meadow Wood Drive
Old Business-
1.      Tribal Recognition-No action
2.      Annexation-No action
3.   Route 2 Road Modifications update-One of the items of complaint at
the annual budget meetings was the expenditure of funds on the Route 2
appeal and this contributed to the defeat of the General Government
budget at referendum.  The Selectmen therefore taken action to filed a
withdrawal of appeal of STC decision on Route 2.  A letter was sent to
Governor Rell, ConnDOT Commissioner Carpenter, and STC Director Cabelus
citing the procedure deficiencies, asking to review procedures and
legality.  Selectman Mullane said there was a no cost way to follow up
with the discrepancies in the process and the lack of consideration that
the STC had shown the Town and those options should be pursued.  
4.      Subdivision Review and Planning and Zoning Issues
                Milltown Commons-Hearing to open July 5, 2007
                Garden Court LLC-Hearing to open July 5, 2007
5.      Assekonk Swamp Walkway-No action
6.      Little League appropriation request- Mr. Ricker representative
of the Conservation Commission provided draft of Conservation Commission
tasks and goals and asked that the Little League issue be put off for at
least six to twelve months to review alternate sites.  Tim Baas once
again asked for support of Little League project now that all
information has been provided and questions answered.  Selectman Mullane
stated that there seems to be little financial support and a dislike and
concern for the location.  There is a budget problem which the Little
League request is adding to a budget acceptance.  Selectman Mullane also
stated that he had a visit from the Mystic Seaport representative that
land may be available to Town, and that terms are not yet complete for
the Town to evaluate, but may be an alternate site.  A motion was made
by Selectman Hescock, seconded by Selectman Mullane to reject the Little
League request for $500,000 and bonding funds, carrying.  3-0  The Board
will pursue alternate sites in a timely manner, 6 to 12 months.
7.      Permanent School Building Project Committee activities
                Bids on Elementary School Fire Alarm System-Hold, no
fiscal year     2007-08 budget at this time.
8.      Budget 2007-08
        Line Item Veto-No action, Selectman Mullane expressed concern
that this be    resolved.
        Ordinance Mandating Referendum Vote-General discussion, no
        Revision to Budget-After general discussion a motion was made by
Selectman       Mullane, seconded by Selectman Hescock to reduce the BOS
proposed budget         by $81,662 in General operating, and $102,225 in
capital ($183,912), carrying.   3-0.
        Operations and Expenditures-covered during budget discussion.
9.      Highway Union Contract Executive Session-No action, disappointed
with no progress by Union on ratification of Union Contract.
10.      Close Out FY 2006-07-No action, no additional appropriations,
or transfers required at this time.
New Business
1.      Releasing of Draft minutes and documents-Selectman Mullane will
contact FOI for clarification.
2.      Woodco Bond-No action

Public Comments and Questions
Adjournment-9:28 PM