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Board of Selectmen Minutes 04/24/2007
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Size: 7.1K
Last Updated: 2007/5/11
Size: 4K
Last Updated: 2007/5/11



Town of North Stonington

Board of Selectmen

New Town Hall Conference Room

April 24, 2007

7:00 PM


Call to Order-7:00 Pm with Selectmen Mullane, Peterson and Hescock present.

Public Comments and Questions-

Minutes-A  motion was made by Selectman Hescock, seconded by Selectman Peterson to approve the minutes of April 10, 2007, carrying.  3-0  A motion was made by Selectman Peterson, seconded by Selectman Hescock to approve the minutes of April 17, 2007, carrying.  2-0-1  Selectman Hescock abstained since he was not at the meeting.


·        Historical Society Newsletter

·        Memo from BOE re: Europe Trip Meeting

·        North Stonington Little League Draft letter

·        Budget Letter from Governor Rell

·        Letter from Rep. Urban regarding Energy meeting May 7th

·        US Census Bureau newsletter

·        DEMHS preliminary damage assessment request

·        Letter from Darren Robert requesting going forward with Facilities Master Plan

·        Letter from NSVFC President Steinhart regarding temporary construction gravel at Company for work on Assekonk Swamp Bridge site, and old shed that needs to be removed

·        Great Ideas for managing small towns

·        North Stonington Land Alliance Newsletter

 Old Business-

1.      Tribal Recognition-No report

2.      Annexation-No report

3.      Route 2 Road Modifications-Executive Session-Attorney update-A motion was made at 8:21 PM, by Selectman Hescock, seconded by Selectman Mullane to enter Executive Session.  Carry 3-0.  A motion was made by Selectman Peterson, seconded by Selectman Mullane to exit the Session at 9:12 PM, carrying.  3-0  A  motion was made by Selectman Peterson, seconded by Selectman Mullane, to file an injunction to stop work on the project, carrying.  2-1  Selectman Hescock voting against.

                        Correspondence presented on subject

·                        Certificate NO. 502 – L  April 13, 2007 issued

·                        Administrative Appeals Pretrial Order North                                                   Stonington v STC  for May 16th

·                        Motion for Order-on or before May 18th, for filing                                           of record

·                        Letter from Attorney Sharp – Requesting                                                        Clarification

·                        Encroachment Permit 2005488  April 16, 2007

4.       Subdivision Review and Planning and Zoning Issues-No action

5.      Assekonk Swamp Walkway-Railing being constructed and final grade materials are being trucked into site.

6.      Little League appropriation request-Matrix of other towns policies on Little League fields was provided explaining use of fields, reverter clause and status of deed, now final letter by Board of Selectmen, or at least draft is needed.  Selectman Mullane asked if list is available of other firm commitments the League has for construction materials and donations.

7.      Permanent School Building Project Committee activities-No activity

8.      Appointments to Boards and Commissions -None

9.   Town financial 2005-06 Audit-Auditors are on site and work is progressing

10.  Budget 2007-08-No activity

New Business

1.      Anna Farm Road-West Paving Discussion-Letters were sent to all land owners for their position and input on whether or not to pave the road.  Of those that responded by telephone or in writing:  14 in favor of paving and 1 against.  Citizens attended to voice their concerns and most were not in favor of paving and the final position was that the Town will assure that the contractor has fulfilled all of the obligations in regard to drainage, truck/bus turn around, widening, and that all driveways are maintaining a zero water runoff.  These issues will be addressed in the 2007 highway work schedule and the paving issue will be revisited in the Spring/Summer of 2008.

2.      Approval of Annual Town Report 2005-06-Tabled

3.      Highway Union Contract Draft Review-Copy was provided and bried description of activities to date.

4.      Town Attorney line and Town Hall Expenses line items review/additional appropriation-Tabled for firm numbers.

Public Comments and Questions-None presented

Adjournment-9:29 PM