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Board of Selectmen Minutes 05/22/2007

Town of North Stonington
Board of Selectmen
New Town Hall Conference Room
May 22, 2007
6:00 PM
Call to Order
Public Comments and Questions-Madeline Jeffery, on behalf of the Clarks
Falls Environmental Trust has request that the Board establish an air
quality base line for the Tinaco Plaza.
Minutes-A motion was made by Selectman Mullane, seconded by Selectman
Hescock to approve the minutes of May 15, 2007, as presented, carrying.
*       Letters to Norwich ConnDOT regarding Route 2 modification of
turn lane (left) at Holly Green and Stop bars at Exit 93
*       Recreation Summer/Fall Flyer
*       North Stonington Historical Society Newsletter
*       Registrars letter regarding voting machine status and costs
*       April, 2007 Tonnage report from SCRRRA, North Stonington tonnage
is down over five hundred tons from last year
*       DEMHS Grant Award
*       SCCOG Long Range Regional Transportation Plan
*       Planning and Zoning abatement order -Olbrei
*       Planning and Zoning abatement order-Bill
Old Business-
1.      Tribal Recognition-No activity
2.      Annexation-No activity
3.      Route 2 Road Modifications update-Executive Session-A motion was
made to enter Executive Session at 9:30 PM, and adjourned the session at
9:47 PM, with Attorney Frank Eppinger, no action taken.  The MPTN are
scheduled to file a brief on May 25, 2007.
4.       Subdivision Review and Planning and Zoning Issues-None
5.      Assekonk Swamp Walkway-No report
6.      Little League appropriation request-Frank Eppinger commented on
draft letter and conditions, and reverter clause.  He also commented on
Brad Borden's question on donations by a municipality to private
organization and when the donator receives personal gain is it ethical
or legal when they received a tax advantage? Frank's research to date
has indicated that if there is a tax gain or advantage it is not unusual
or uncommon and he has not found any law restricting the transaction.
The Fire Chief Main, the Ambulance President Elias, and Trooper Bowyer
commented on risk of Little League located across from Stonington
Institute.  Chief Main commented that the Company has had a low response
calls to the Stonington Institute noting that it should not be a great
impact on the Little League activity noting 37 calls since 2000.  His
responses have been on false alarms from pull boxes, an incident of
clients fighting and discharging a fire extinguishers and several small
incidents.  The Ambulance Association provided a pie chart of activity
for a year, Institute was 16% of total activity.  The majority of the
calls, 45% was for psychiatric, 44% medical, 7% trauma. 4% other.
Trooper Bowyer had a log of activity and noted that the calls were
criminal mischief, disorderly conduct, assaults, and walk offs.  It was
stated that there are bed checks every hour and Bowyer said there should
be a low risk of violence and that normally the activity is within the
Institute boundaries. The Troopers have not had any significant activity
between patients and the outside world.  The patients are not homicidal
more suicidal.  He felt the Little League would not be at risk and
anticipated good supervision by coaches, managers and parents.  A
general discussion continued and it was noted that Little League is not
going away and the problem must be solved.  Contacts were attempted to
the Owner/CEO William Aniscovitch for him to contact Little League
representatives, Selectman Mullane and Selectman Hescock with no
responses.  A letter was received in May, 2006, of support for the
project from Stonington Institute.  
7.      Permanent School Building Project Committee
activities-Elementary School Fire Alarm project is out to bid at this
time and walk through is scheduled for next week.
8.      Budget 2007-08
        Revision to Budget-It was noted that there was a $10,000 premium
savings with CIRMA. Split between the BOE and General Government.
        Will Budget be sent to Referendum?-  No final decision until
after public hearing.  The Board noted that we must adhere to
Connecticut Statutes and allow 14 days between Public Hearing and Town
        How many questions should new referendum card be programmed
 9.     Highway Union Contract Draft Review-New draft was provided and
negotiations are continuing next week.
10.      Additional appropriation/Transfers/Close Out FY 2006-07
                Holly Green Roofing Project
                Auditing Consulting
        Items are on hold until year end.
11.     Conservation Subdivision Language-First Selectman Mullane
provided latest draft..
12.     Board of Education School Facilities Master Plan request- Item
will be held until after budget process
New Business
1.      Call of Special Town Meeting-A motion was made to forward three
items below to Town Meeting by Selectman Mullane, seconded by Selectman
Peterson, carrying.  3-0
Town of North Stonington
Legal Notice
Special Town Meeting
Warning is hereby given to the electors and those entitled to vote at
town meetings of the Town of North Stonington that the Annual Town
Meeting/Annual Budget Meeting shall be held at the following location on
the date and time indicated for the purposes of transacting the business
setforth below:
Location:  North Stonington Elementary School Multi-Purpose Room
Date:   June 4, 2007
Time:  7:00 PM
1.        To hear and act upon the amendments to the Ordinance governing
the Economic Development Commission changing length of terms and filling
of vacancies that occur.
2.      To hear and act upon the additional appropriation request of
$30,000 for Town Attorney fees as approved and forwarded by the Board of
3.      To hear and act upon An Ordinance Authorizing the Tax Exemption
for Farm Machinery and Farm Buildings.
Dated at North Stonington this 22nd day of May, 2007.

                                                BOARD OF SELECTMEN
                                                Nicholas H. Mullane, II
                                                William N. Peterson
                                                William H. Hescock
Other Business:  
*       First Selectman Mullane stated there was only one applicant for
the combined proposed Building Official /Sanitarian position and it is
his intent to interview the applicant with existing BO and Sanitarian
and make a recommendation
*       First Selectman Mullane informed the Board that there has been a
request for a close out for the Woodco Subdivision bond.
*       First Selectman Mullane provided a draft letter to SunGard
Pentamation regarding software performance and refund for the Town and
asked for comments on the draft.
*       Mr. Mullane stated that there are sufficient funds for the Town
Clerk cash register in the IT and Town Clerk Departments.  General
consensus as long as the project stayed within budgets.
*       Mr. Mullane has asked Representative Urban way Griswold received
a 67.50 % reimbursement for school projects when we are only entitled to
approximately 49%.
*       ZBA variance appeal Lantzius vs. Town is proceeding, Judge has
asked for further information/brief.
Public Comments and Questions-None
Adjournment-10:18 PM