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Board of Selectmen Minutes 12/18/2007

Town of North Stonington

Board of Selectmen

New Town Hall Conference Room

December 18, 2007

7:00 PM

Call to Order-7:02 PM with Selectmen Mullane, Ricker and Murphy present.

Public Comments and Questions-

Minutes-A motion was made by Selectman Ricker to accept the minutes of December 11, 2007, seconded by Selectman Murphy, carrying.  3-0


· Historic Documents Preservation Grant Program

· STC letter regarding request by MPTN to open MGM Hotel prior to total completion of Route 2 improvements

· 100th Birthday Celebration for Grange invitation

· Resignation of Craig Grimord, SPZEO for another position in Colchester

· Sandra Steinhart reappointment as Tax Collector

· Babcock Ridge Subdivision recommendations by Selectmen & P&Z

· Thank you letter to Brent Woodward for serving on Board of Finance

Old Business-

1. Tribal Recognition-No report

2. Annexation-No report

3.   Route 2 Road Modifications update-Mr. Mullane reported on his meeting with MPTN representatives on design concepts for Route 2 intersections.  Mr. Ricker also reported on his meeting with MPTN representatives on Route 2  intersection improvements.  Board is looking forward to meeting with Tribe with some more completed designs of  Route 2 improvement plans so that the Selectmen and public can evaluate pros/cons/likes and dislikes for the Town and Tribe can go to ConnDOT/STC in agreement.

4. Subdivision Review and Planning and Zoning Issues

                                  Garden Court LLC-Hearing Closed

                                  Babcock Ridge Subdivision-A letter was received from the Town Engineer siting unacceptable issues with subdivision plans.

                                  Nine Month Moratorium P&Z voted to have moratorium

          The Board read a copy of Craig Grimord’s resignation to accept another position in the Town of Colchester closer to his home and family.

5.   Assekonk Swamp Walkway-No report

6. Permanent School Building Project Committee activities

                      Schools Facilities Master Plan-Draft Ltr. PSPBC volunteers-Selectman Mullane will call bond counsel regarding Board of Education proposal to do new building project by Guide Committee Booklet. Authorized through the legislative body rather than the PSBC.

                      Energy and Conservation program for Wheeler School complex-See below

7.   Woodco Bond-No report

 8.    WPCA Appointments-No report

 9.  Kingswood/Meadowwood drainage review-No report

10.  Village Waterline Report-The contractor has done another 252 feet of line and is working from the Highway Garage back to the Village.

11.  Affordable Housing Ad Hoc Committee- no report

12. CCM Energy Purchasing Program – Bid pricing December 18, 2007-no favorable pricing

13. Town Meeting Approval of Teacher’s Contract-Tabled

14. Board of Finance Letter (responsibilities of Board of Finance as Audit Committee)Joint meeting to be held after the first of the year

New Business

1. Smart Power Resolution-Charlie Moret, Managing Director of Business Development, Connecticut Innovations, and the information that was received on the Smart Power program.  The general public was very supportive and receptive for the program.  Mr. Ricker had researched North Haven, Haddam, and Cheshire and did not receive any negative feedback only positive comments.  Selectman Ricker made a motion to pass a resolution committing North Stonington to reduce energy use by 20% by 2010,seconded by Selectman Murphy, carrying.

2. Results and Discussion of Special Town Meeting-All items presented passed and will be executed by the appropriate departments.

3. FY 2008-09 Budget-Met with Brian Elias, President of the NSAA regarding bids for ambulance purchase in current fiscal year.

Public Comments and Questions

Adjournment-10:22 PM