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Board of Selectmen Minutes 12/04/2007
Town of North Stonington

Board of Selectmen

New Town Hall Conference Room

December 4, 2007

7:00 PM

Call to Order-7:00 PM with Selectmen Mullane, Murphy and Ricker present

Public Comments and Questions-

Minutes-A motion was made by Selectman Murphy to approve the minutes of November 27, 2007, seconded by Selectman Mullane, carrying.  3-0

General Comment on FOI Seminar on Monday night by the FOIA.  Some discussion about ethics, Selectman Mullane will try to get a sample ethics policy


Old Business-

1. Tribal Recognition-No comments

2. Annexation-No comment

3.   Route 2 Road Modifications update

4. Subdivision Review and Planning and Zoning Issues

                                  Garden Court LLC-Hearing Closed

                                  Babcock Ridge Subdivision-General review, Selectman Mullane will write a letter on concerns; application incomplete, no drainage calculations available, no stormwater management data available.  Driveways percentage of slope and location unacceptable, poor sightline of driveways, vernal pools not identified on drawings, and the proposed frontage easement is not acceptable to the Town.

The Selectmen had the following concerns on the moratorium:

                                  Nine Month Moratorium-

       Do we need to shut ALL things down or just postpone changes to the regulations and new regulations
       Must be ready with funding, do you have enough funding to support moratorium without disruption?
       Establish a list of projects and scope of work
       Establish a schedule of meetings
       Solicit and require input from all Boards and Commissions
       Conservation Commission shall make recommendations on open space, conservation easements, and enforcement
       Be sure you have committed and Available of resources Planners, Consultants, Attorneys, etc.
       Set moratorium time schedule of six months with a maximum of nine (9) months
       Prior to starting, establish goals, objectives, and identify the finished product you will have at the conclusion of the moratorium.
       Get public involved, so finished product is acceptable to Public.

5.   Assekonk Swamp Walkway-No report

6. Permanent School Building Project Committee activities

                      Schools Facilities Master Plan-Draft Ltr. PSPBC volunteers-Selectmen rewrote draft letter to residents which will be forwarded to the Board of Education for concurrence, it reads as follows:

                                                                        December, 2007

We are looking for citizen volunteers to participate on a committee of one of the most important projects facing the Town, a school building committee.

            According to state statute and Board of Education policy, a School Building Committee shall contain representatives from the Board of Selectmen, Finance, and Education.  Additional community members may be chosen.  The members shall serve through the completion of the project.

            A facilities study identified current problems and from that a Master Plan for Facilities was developed.  Others were identified through the administration, Board of Education, NEASC (New England Association of Schools and Colleges) in their accreditation process, as well as identified state initiatives such as preschool and all-day kindergarten.

            Our facilities are the biggest investment the Town of North Stonington has and are important in ensuring that we provide a good educational and safe learning environment for our students.

            We are looking for citizen volunteers who will be willing to “sign on” and “commit” to this work.  Should you be interested or have any questions, please call the Selectmen’s Office at 535-2877.


Nicholas H. Mullane, II                                                Darren Robert, Ed.D.

First Selectman                                                            Board of Education Chairman

7.   Woodco Bond-Selectman Mullane visited site with Patrick Lafayette, there is a concern with drainage discharge to Cedar Ridge, Selectman Mullane to arrange meeting with owner, engineer, highway foreman, and himself.

 8.    WPCA Appointments-No report

 9.  Kingswood/Meadowwood drainage review-Estimates received for boring ($215,750) and digging ($96,800), of additional drainage.  Both estimates had extensive conditions which would inevitably increase the final cost due to the unknowns.  Selectman Mullane recommended waiting on changing of the LoCIP plan until scope is better defined and also noted that we will need a drainage study to determine if this additional drainage will fix problems.

10.  Village Waterline Report-The contractor has installed an additional 935 feet of piping this week for a total of 1385 feet to date.

11.  Call of a Special Town Meeting-A motion was made by Selectman Murphy, seconded by Selectman Mullane to send the following items to a Special Town Meeting on December 17, 2007, 7:30 PM, carrying.  3-0

            Right to Farm

            COG Grant Resolution-Web based Regional Financing of GIS

            Modification of LoCIP Plan-delete from call for later action

            Conservation Easement-Ragonese property-Cossaduck Hill Road

            Conservation Easement-Waco, LLC-LegenWood Road

            DUI Troopers’ Grant-Predicated on Board of Finance approval

            Deobligation of Capital NonRecurring Funds

            Deobligation of Town Aid Road Funds

            Pre-Emption Cost Sharing Grant

            CT DEMHS MOU for Performance Grant

            Water Pollution Control Authority Ordinance

12.   Energy and Conservation program for Wheeler School complex-Robert Testa and Ron Lewis will give a presentation on the program and on the 17th prior to the Town Meeting on the details of the program at 6:00 PM.

13.  Affordable Housing Ad Hoc Committee-No action

14. CCM Energy Purchasing Program – Bid pricing December 18, 2007-Information only for the Selectmen

New Business

1. Additional Appropriation-Resident State Troopers’-DUI Grant $53,850-A motion was made by Selectman Mullane, seconded by Selectman Murphy to send the item to the Board of Finance for approval and forwarding to a Town Meeting, carrying.  3-0

2. Additional Appropriation-Civil Preparedness Grant Capital-$2,363.63-A motion was made by Selectman Murphy, seconded by Selectman Ricker to approve the additional appropriation request to forward to the Board of Finance for action, carrying.  3-0

3. Additional Appropriation-Planning and Zoning Commission Consulting-$20,000-A motion was made by Selectman Mullane, seconded by Selectman Ricker to approve an additional appropriation request and forward the item to the Board of Finance for action.  Carrying 3-0

4. Board of Finance Audit Letter-It was recommended to have a joint meeting of the Board of Finance, Selectmen, and Education with the Auditor to determine what is best, Selectman Mullane did emphasize that whatever we do it should be in a computerized format to minimize any additional work.  The Board of Finance also wants to have a joint meeting with BOE and Selectmen January 23, 2007.

Public Comments and Questions

Adjournment-11:15 PM