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Board of Selectmen Minutes 10/09/2007
Town of North Stonington

Board of Selectmen

New Town Hall Conference Room

October 9, 2007

7:00 PM

Call to Order-7:00 PM with Selectmen Mullane, Peterson, and Hescock present. 

Public Comments and Questions-

Minutes-A motion was made by Selectman Peterson, seconded by Selectman Mullane to approve the minutes of October 2, 2007, carrying.  3-0


Old Business-

1. Tribal Recognition-Perkins Coie is revising testimony for submission to US House

2. Annexation-No report

3.   Route 2 Road Modifications update-No report

4. Subdivision Review and Planning and Zoning Issues

                      Milltown Commons-Hearing Closed-Extension Granted FOR PZC deliberations.

                      Garden Court LLC-Selectmen support position that requires that the developer not lessen standards and no three way stop is installed at the Boombridge Road project exit and entrance driveway.

5.   Assekonk Swamp Walkway

6. Permanent School Building Project Committee activities

                      Schools Facilities Master Plan-Selectman Mullane is continuing work on a draft letter.

7. Budget 2007-08

          Line Item Veto-Selectman Mullane asked Mr. Hescock if he had any further research or new information that allows towns with Selectmen form of Government with a Board of Finance.  It is the understanding of Selectman Mullane and Peterson was that this is not statutorily legal.  Selectman Hescock feels strongly it is legal.

          Ordinance Mandating Referendum Vote- Selectman Mullane stated he would like to ask a second opinion from a different lawyer.  Selectman Mullane will check with a lawyer to get new opinion, Selectman Mullane believes there should not be a required referendum.  Selectman Mullane suggested that a mandatory vote also be included for the Teachers’ Contract, he will get Connecticut General Statute that allows vote by legislative body.

8.  Woodco Bond-Interest on bond has been returned.

  9.   SCWA Appointment-No action

 10.  WPCA Appointments-No action

 11.  Revisions to financial reporting (B. Borden Letter 9/10) response-No action

New Business

1. Right to Farm Ordinance-Board is receptive, Selectman Mullane will get State statute next week

2. Tax Refund-A motion was made by Selectman Mullane to issue a  refund to J. Perry in the amount of $76.03, seconded by Selectman Peterson, carrying.  3-0

3. Kingswood/Meadowwood drainage review-No report

4. Babcock Road, Shunock River Estates

                        Stonewall & Conservation Easement- Attorney Hescock announced he is recusing himself on this item. Waiting on engineering report and letter. 

5.    Recreation Commission Carmen Suedmeier-Selectman Hescock would like to interview Ms. Suedmeier prior to appointment, item is tabled.

6.    Little League / In-kind Support-Selectman Mullane made a motion to waive fees for the league’s septic permit, dugouts and storage shed, seconded by Selectman Peterson, carrying.  3-0

7.    Board of Education letter / Use of School-Next Week

8.   Sale of Backhoe-A motion was made by Selectman Mullane, seconded by Selectman Hescock to accept the offer to sell the JCB backhoe for the $23,000 if Bob Beattie doesn’t want to bid higher,  carrying.  3-0

Public Comments and Questions-The Board agreed to purchase new furnishings for the New Town Hall Conference Room.

Adjournment-8:42 PM