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Board of Selectmen Minutes 06/21/2007
Town of North Stonington
Board of Selectmen
New Town Hall Conference Room
June 21, 2007
8:00 AM

Call to Order-8:00 AM with Selectmen Mullane, Peterson, and Hescock
Public Comments and Questions-BOE Chairman Darren Robert would like to
schedule a meeting with PSPBC, BOS and BOE on School Building Project,
7/31, 6:00 PM
There were various comments and questions from Shawn Murphy, Mr. and
Mrs. Speh, Bill Ricker, Shelly Briscoe, and Bob Testa regarding options
for cuts in the Selectmen's budget.  There were also questions regarding
the Cloverleaf appeal, proposed generators, Little League, Full Time
Building Official/Sanitarian, State revenues and budget process from
today forward.  Chairman Robert requested that the process proceed as
quickly as possible in order for them to hire new staff.  Mr. Mullane
explained that we will operate at last year's budget limits and that the
BOE should consult their attorney as to whether new staff can be hired
prior to the approval of a new fiscal year budget.  It was noted that
the BOE cut $163,510 from it's original request and that their request
for FY  2007-08 is now $11,957,992.
1.      Budget 2007-08
        Referendum Review-Board reviewed vote from Tuesday's (June 19th)
referendum.  Selectman Mullane stated that they had been provided a copy
of Attorney Eppinger's opinion paper on the line item veto and that
issue must be resolved and we must stop confusing the public.  He asked
that Attorney Hescock and any one else find the errors with the
decision. If nothing else we must get a declaratory ruling or have a
friendly lawsuit to finalize the matter.
        Revision to Budget-First Selectman Mullane provided options for
cuts in budget of approximately $156,061, for FY 2007-08 and alternate
funding options for the generators and Ambulance for the Board's
consideration.  Selectman Peterson has options as well, and will discuss
further at the next Selectmen's meeting.  No action was taken
        Setting of Mill Rate-After general discussion of Selectmen's
options and obligations in this matter including Selectman Hescock
suggestion of raising the rate approximately one half mill, Mr. Mullane
made a motion that in accordance with Connecticut General Statute
12-123, the Selectmen set a mill rate of 18.60 for the upcoming fiscal
year.  He also noted that it is up to the people to decide what type of
increase they are willing to accept.  Motion was seconded by Selectman
Peterson, carrying unanimously  3-0.
*       Selectman Mullane informed the Board that the Town Attorney has
stated that the reverter clause has been properly satisfied in the deed
and that we now have all paperwork necessary to make a decision and that
the item will be on the agenda for Tuesday, June 26th.
Public Comments and Questions-More general comments about raising taxes
and cutting of general government expenditures
Adjournment-9:19 AM