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Board of Selectmen Agenda 05/31/2011
                        Town of North Stonington

                                                Board of Selectmen

                                                 May 31, 2011

                                                                            New Town Hall Conference Room                       

                                                                                                7:00 PM                 


Cancelled because of Special Town Meeting



Call to Order     

Public Comments and Questions



Old Business-

  1.   Tribal Issues-Acknowledgement Issues

  2.   Subdivision Review and Planning and Zoning Issues-

              Affordable Housing/Incentive Housing regulations

              Milltown Commons

  3.   Permanent School Building Project Committee

              A. School Building Project RFQ for Architectural services

              B. Permanent School Planning and Building Committee Project- Flashing on Gymatorium

C. Middle School/High School Heating System Code Update.

D. PSBC- New list of projects

E. School of Choice

  4.  Kingswood/Meadow Wood drainage review

  5.  Affordable Housing Committee

  6.  Hewitt property

              A.  Committee Report/Activities-Recommendations-Data collection/ Town Meeting

              B.  Dam Repairs-Re-Engineering

C.  Old Dew Drop Inn/Rosie’s status-NEW Buon Appetito-Executive Session

  7.  Boombridge Road Bridge- State and Federal Funding/ Contracting

  8.  Grant applications/administration

              Water Study Ex. 92 X I95

              Rec Area Basketball and Tennis Courts

              Town Hall Solar

9.  Board and Commission appointment

              Pawcatuck Neighborhood Center Board of Directors Representative Replacement

              Permanent School Planning and Building Committee

              Water Pollution Control Authority

              Cable TV Advisory Committee

Conservation Commission

Recreation Commission

Hewitt Committee

JRB Appointments

10.  Budget  FY 2010-2011 & Additional Appropriations

             Budget 2011-12

              Wheeler Library

11.  Flood Damage Status Report/Repairs Update/ Action Items

              Main Street Bridges-

12.  Special Town Meeting-May 24, 2011

              Buon Appetito Lease

New Business-

1.           Tax Refund(s)

2.           Buon Appetito Lease and Call of a Special Town Meeting Results

3.           STEAP Grant candidates

4.           LoCIP Plan Update

5.           Call of Annual Town/Annual Budget Meeting

1.  To reconvene the adjourned special town meeting of May 24, 2011 for the purpose of continuing the following business:  Shall the First Selectman, Nicholas H. Mullane, be required to execute the proposed lease agreement, attached as Exhibit A hereto and incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth, on behalf of theTown of North Stonington?

2.  To hear and act upon the following Resolution:  Resolved:  that the Board of Selectmen is hereby authorized and empowered to enter into an agreement with the Commissioner of the State of Connecticut, Department of Transportation, for the expenditure of all highway funds available to said Town from the State Highway funds for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2011 under provisions of Chapter 240 of the Connecticut General Statutes, 1958 Revision, as amended.

3.  To hear and act upon the following Resolution:  Resolved:  that the Board

of Selectmen is hereby, authorized and empowered to obtain loans at current interest rates for loans to municipalities in anticipation of the receipt of tax collections and in anticipation of the receipt of federal and/or state grants with respect to a project or program on such terms and conditions as follows:  (a) the amount borrowed shall not exceed $1,000,000, at any one time; and (b) the Board of Finance shall receive, as early as possible, prior notification of any borrowing.  The Board of Selectmen is further authorized and empowered to execute any and all documents necessary and required.

4.  Shall the Town of North Stonington make amendments to the Local Capital Improvement Plan for FY 2009-2016, as presented?

5.  To hear and act upon an amendment to the Town’s Food Service Establishment Ordinance Fee Section; amending the annual license fee from $5.00 to $25.00 for food-service establishments, food-catering service or an itinerant food-vending businesses.

6.  To hear an act upon the amendments to the Town’s Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance as presented.

7. “Shall the Town of North Stonington approve the estimates and recommendations of the Board of Finance with respect to the annual General Government budget including Redemption of Debt and Capital for fiscal year July 1, 201 through June 30, 2012, in the amount of $ 5,927,957 and make specific appropriations and authorize expenditures in, connection therewith as appear advisable?

8.   “Shall the Town of North Stonington approve the estimates and recommendations of the Board of Finance with respect to the annual Board of Education  budget for fiscal year July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012, in the amount of $ 12,081,172 and make specific appropriations and authorize expenditures in, connection therewith as appear advisable?


Public Comments and Questions
