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Board of Selectmen Agenda 12/01/2009
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Size: 7.1K
Last Updated: 2009/12/15
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Last Updated: 2009/12/15

                                                               Town of North Stonington

                                                                Board of Selectmen

                                                                Regular Meeting

                                                                December 1, 2009

                                                                New Town Hall Conference Room

                                                                7:00 PM




Call to Order-Called to order at 7:00 PM with Selectmen Mullane, Briscoe, and Murphy present

Public Comments and Questions-

Minutes –A motion was made by Selectman Briscoe and seconded by Selectman Murphy to approve the minutes of November 24, 2009, carrying.  3-0


Old Business-

1.   Tribal Issues

                Response to letters on Senate Bill S1703-No response from Senators Dodd or Lieberman

                Appellate Hearing on Schaghticoke appeal-No appeal to date

                Tribal Acknowledgement Additional Appropriation-Still working within budget

2.   Subdivision Review and Planning and Zoning Issues-

                PZC Bucket List-PZC to start regulations

                Milltown Commons-No new information

                Review of Affordable Housing applications-Hearing on proposed Meadow Court will open on December 3, 2009


3.   Permanent School Building Project Committee

A.         Activities/membership-Ad Hoc Committee-No report

                      Membership Report-Committee is full at the present time

B.       Permanent School Planning and Building Committee Projects- Flashing on Gymatorium-No report

C.         Middle School/High School Heating System Code Update

Joint Meeting scheduled for December 8, 2009-Selectman Mullane will send a reminder email.

4.   Town Energy Projects

                              Wind farm Project-No report

5.   Kingswood/Meadow Wood drainage review

                                Bid Receipt Acknowledgement

6.  Affordable Housing Committee-A motion was made by Selectman Murphy and seconded by Selectman Mullane to disbanded the current Ad Hoc Committee with the intent to appoint a new five member committee, develop a new scope of work including action items details in the Housing report, carrying.  3-0

                Appointments of new committee-No action

7.  Hewitt property

                                Committee Report/Activities-Recommendations

                                Dam Repairs-2010 Summer/Fall

Lease Renewals-Dew Drop Inn/Rosie’s-Has asked for an extension to September 30, 2010, but will be LAST extension per the Board of Selectmen, all agreed.

                                Trail Water Crossing-Materials ordered

8.  Boombridge Road bridge

                                State and Federal Funding

9.        FY 2009-2010 State Budget-No word on how Governor’s 3% cut in revenues will be applied to municipal funding

2009-2010 Legislative Agenda-cuts should be tied to elimination of unfunded mandates

10   STEAP Grant applications-Selectman Mullane to provide a list of possible candidate projects

11.  FY 2009-10 Capital Projects

                                Old Town Hall Solar Panels (including roof and chimney)-completed and submitted grant application

12.   JAG Stimulus Grant –Additional appropriation $9025-A motion was made by Selectman Mullane and seconded by Selectman Briscoe to approve the Additional Appropriation request to budget with 100% of reimbursement from the State, carrying.  3-0

13.  DEP Testing Results-First Selectman Mullane will make call for results of testing.

14.  Pinewoods Road-No report

15.  Request of YMCA to release interest in land on Button Road-still trying to arrange a meeting


New Business-

1.        North Stonington Ambulance Financial Status-Brian Elias, Association President gave an update on budget to date, expenses projected still indicate a shortfall of approximately $12500, better than expected and hope to improve.  Discussion of response time, hired five new EMTs.

2.        Tax Refund(s)-None presented

3.        Board of Selectmen’s Annual Report for FY 2008-2009-OK’d as drafted to forward to BOF

4.        Wheeler Library request for funding-

Paul Kowack, friends of Wheeler Library, came by to discuss the needed repairs proposed for the Library and how to inform the public of the scope of work, a significant amount of money is needed for the work.  A need for grant search, major fund raisers and State/Town aid.  Things to do to educate the public and quantify cost and to utilize resources of town’s people to form an organized group to head efforts.

5.         Resident Trooper DUI Grant Additional Appropriation-Completed last meeting.

Public Comments and Questions-None presented

Adjournment-9:10 PM