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BOF Minutes 08/17/2016 Draft
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
Board of Finance Meeting:
Call to Order @ 7:30pm

•     Call to Order –Tim Main called the meeting to order at 7:30pm. In attendance: Tim Main, Charles Steinhart, Tim Pelland, Emil Pavlovics, Carolyn Howell.  Mustapha Ratib arrived late(735pm)  
             Alternate Bob Testa arrived late(737pm)

•     Pledge to the Flag was performed.

•     Public Comments:  Joe Gross – Was at home and listened to meetings that are recorded. Feels that the budget that is presented to the public is incomplete and when he takes the profit and loss Joe Gross would like to see where money is transferred  (Emile Pavlovics – responds – instituted transfers – Susan should be able to produce it) Joe Gross also brought up Town Report –(Mustapha Ratib – refers to line B22.05 – North Stonington Quarterly – B26.04A – Troopers), - Brought to the attention the budget regarding the Town Attorney (Tim Main  clarified that the money was transferred from the Selectman’s budget)
B8.00(Should indicate a transfer of 20k) – Mustapha Ratib is going to talk to them (Town Hall Employees)tomorrow to find out where this money was offset from.
Town Report - $1 is a placeholder – Emile Pavlovics clarified in the past that they had- made 1 copy and if someone wanted a hard copy the staff in the town hall would print it and provide it to the public on request.
•     Item #4 BOF Work on Annual Town Report – Discussed request ing information from Departments and giving a deadline in October.  We are expecting Auditor’s report some time in December. Charlie Steinhart suggested that a letter be drafted and sent out to every department with specific instructins– “we want your information by Oct. 1st “ for example – and cc: Board of Selectman(Emile Pavlovics). Bob Testa suggested a letter to Each Dept. and cc: the Selectmen. Mustapha Ratib suggested to send with an emailed confirmation of receipt so that it would be documented when and that the correspondence was received and opened.
•     Item #5 Town Expenditures approval by Board of Finance – Discussed options for spending limits until the budget is approved. Need to decide what the board wants to do in regards to authorizing payments.  Discussion regarding freezing capital expenses, redemption of debt and regular operating expenses occurred. It was decided that  the operating budget of the Town would be based on the lower of  either the prior fiscal year 2015/2016 approved budget or the current proposed fiscal year 2016/2017. The redemption of debt would be stipulated as of the budget forwarded as of June 29th, 2016.

•     It was decided that the Board of Finance Authorizes spending for 90 days, no Capital Spending, The Redemption of Debt at the rate of the Proposed June 29th Board of Finance Budget, The operating expenses at the lower of the two amounts (The past 2015/2016 budget or the proposed 2016/2017.  Spending should commensurate with a 12 month budget. This authorization should not exceed 25% of your budget at this time.  

•     The following authorization is to be forwarded to Selectman Shawn Murphy and Board of Education Chairman Robert Carlson by Tim Main.

As Per Sec. 7-405 of the Connecticut General Statute;

•     The Board of Finance authorizes minimal operating expense funding to continue the function of the General Government and the Board of Education. This Authorization is for not more than ¼ of the operating(Section B) expenses of the approved 2015/2016 budget or the proposed  2016/2017 budget (as proposed on June 29, 2016), whichever is lower.

•     The authorization expires on September 28, 2016 and does not authorize any Capital spending.

•     This authorizes the Redemption of Debt as specified in Section D of the proposed 2016/2017 budget, not the lower of the two.
The Board of Finance realizes that certain line items may be impacted/affected differently and is willing to consider exceptions for extenuating circumstances.

This authorization is from July 1, 2016 through  September 28, 2016.(90 days)

Carolyn Howell made motion to accept, Charlie Steinhart 2nd.
Approved 6-0-0.

•     Item #6 Town of North Stonington bill from Auditor -  Tim Pelland made a motion to pay the Auditor Bill of $5000.00 Line item #B3.01, Charlie Steinhart seconded. Approved 6-0-0.

•     Item # 7 Previous minutes-  Minutes of  Wednesday – July 20, 2016 – Emile Pavlovics moved to accept the minutes as provided, Charlie Steinhart seconded. Approved 5-0-1 (Tim Main abstained)

Minutes of  Saturday, July 23, 2016 -  Charlie Steinhart made a motion to accept the minutes as provided – Mustapha Ratib seconded approved 5-0-1 (Tim Main abstained)

Minutes of  Thursday, August 4, 2016 Work Shop– Charlie Steinhart mad a motion to approve as submitted, seconded by Mustapha Ratib. Approved  6-0-0.

•     Item #8 Public Comments and Questions: None

•     Item #9 Adjournment –Emile Pavlovics made a motion to adjourn, Charlie Steinhart seconded, approved 6-0-0.
Meeting adjourned @ 9:03 pm.

Respectfully Submitted by
Carolyn A. Howell, Board of Finance
Filling in for Tim Pelland as Secretary