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Board of Finance Minutes 03/25/2015 Approved
North Stonington Board of Finance
Approved Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
New Town Hall
                                                                                                                          North Stonington, CT

  • Call to Order Chairman Dan Spring called the meeting to order at 7:32 PM. Tim Main, Charlie Steinhart and Emile Pavlovics were present. Brent Woodward arrived at 8:00 PM and Mustapha Ratib was absent.
  • Public Comments and Questions: First Selectman Nick Mullane noted that the author of  “Out of the Attic: Images of Fred Stewart Greene,” Tobias M. Goodman, would be signing copies on Saturday the 28th of 2015 at the North Stonington Historical Society.
  • BOS: Budget Preparation/ Submission, Fiscal Year 2015-2016; Monthly Report; Project Updates: General government budget support documentation was provided by Nick Mullane as was the most current draft budget dated March 24,2015. A line-by-line review of the ten-year Capital Plan generated numerous questions. Items associated with the firehouse were deferred until the BOF meets with firehouse personnel in a future meeting. Other items thought by the BOF to require further discussion included the following:
  • Garage Jet Shed Roof                            $30,000
  • Mini Excavator                                  $50,000
  • N Stonington Ambulance Vehicle          $213,900
Nick Mullane stated that a mini excavator was periodically rented by the Town and was asked to provide a financial history of those rentals.  Also requested from Nick Mullane was a detailed listing of those tasks that would be undertaken as part of the $75,000 for school building improvements.
The General Fund Operating report for month ending February 2015 was submitted and reviewed. The goal of having $1,557,678 in the Unassigned Fund Balance is running behind by $353,198.

Project Updates;

  • Hewitt Dam      Work has resumed but not without controversy between the contractor and the Town over material cost overruns.  Discussions between Town attorney and clerk of the works and contractor are ongoing.  Even though the potential for State fund funding ($450,000) is believed by Nick Mullane to be still viable, the condition of State finances does not provide a positive outlook.
  • EMS/Firehouse Complex  The firehouse building committee anticipates finalizing the fire station arrangement during their meeting on March 30, 2015.  Once completed this will result in construction documents for multiply design options for the purpose of down selecting a design that meets budget constraints.  Site work has been restarted now that favorable weather has returned.  
  • BOE:  Monthly Report:  Monthly report was distributed to BOF members.
6.      Previous Minutes: Dan Spring moved to approve the minutes of March 18, 2015 as amended. The motion was seconded by Charlie Steinhart and carried 5-0-0.
7.      Future Strategies: Budget Preparation (2015-2016), Tri-Board School Modernization on March 28, 2015:  The firehouse and ambulance draft FY 2015/2016 budgets will be reviewed by the BOF on April 1, 2015 and the next monthly Tri- Board school meeting is scheduled for Saturday the 28th of March.

        Charlie Steinhart submitted a list of questions regarding state police and highway department practices to the BOS for resolution.

8.      Adjournment:  A motion to adjourn was made by Dan Spring.  The motion was seconded by Brent Woodward and carried 5-0-0. The meeting was adjourned at 10:10 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
\ BBW \
Brent B. Woodward
Secretary, Board of Finance