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Board of Finance Minutes 10/01/2014 Approved

North Stonington Board of Finance
Approved Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
New Town Hall
        North Stonington, CT

1.      Call to Order Chairman Dan Spring called the meeting to order at 7:32 PM.  Brent Woodward, Emile Pavolvics, Charlie Steinhart and Mustapha Ratib were present. Tim Main was absent.

2.      Public Comments and Questions: ICON member Lisa Mazella informed the BOF that the next Community Conversation is scheduled for October 18, 2014.  The theme is to continue making improvements in the communication of Town issues.

3.      BOS: Additional Appropriations; Block Grant; De-obligation; Capital Projects: Project Updates; Tribal Recognition; Monthly Report:

First Selectman Nick Mullane advised the BOF that the Town was awarded a Small Cities Grant of $400,000 for the Housing Rehabilitation Program. He said no BOF action or Town meeting is required to implement the allocation of funds.  Applications are available at the Town Hall.

The de-obligation discussion was tabled.

The parking lot/wall reconstruction project is essentially complete and under budget.
The contract for repair of the Hewitt property dam was awarded and the project started.

Boombridge Road bridge repair is on schedule with construction bids due in April/May of 2015 and construction to follow in July of 2016.

The site plans for the EMS/firehouse project are being reviewed by the USDA.

No input regarding the recently appropriated funding for Tribal recognition.

The monthly Town profit and loss statement dated October 1, 2014 contained negative values for anticipated school bond interest and principal revenues, line items A3.09 and A3.10, respectively.  Nick Mullane will resolve this oddity.    
4.      BOE: School Building Project Review:  No date has been set for the next meeting between the BOS, BOF and BOE to discuss where the school building project is going.

5.      EDC: Economic Development Update: The part time position added in the current year budget to promote economic development in the Town continues to be crafted with emphasis on responsibilities and performance metrics.

6.      BOF Tax Report, Fiscal Polices, Future Workshop; Resolution, Seat Vacancies: The tax reports for the month of September 2014 were provided to the BOF.  A revision in format of these reports is being worked by the tax collector, with input from the BOF, to help simplify and provide meaningful data.

A workshop to establish fiscal policies is scheduled for October 8, 2014.

No action was taken by the BOF relative to the proposed resolution for filling vacancies on the BOF.  Board vacancies will continue to follow CT State statute 7-343.  A motion was made by Charlie Steinhart to approve the proposed resolution but no second was made and the matter was ended by the BOF.
7.      Previous Minutes: Dan Spring moved to approve the minutes of September 17, 2014 as amended. The motion was seconded by Mustapha Ratib and carried 4-0-1. Charlie Steinhart abstained.

8.      Future Strategies: Alternates, Draft of Ordinance:  No action taken.

9.      Adjournment:  A motion to adjourn was made by Dan Spring.  The motion was seconded by Charlie Steinhart and carried 5-0-0. The meeting was adjourned at 10:23 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
\ BBW \
Brent B. Woodward
Secretary, Board of Finance