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Board of Finance Minutes 09/17/2014 Approved

North Stonington Board of Finance
Approved  Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
New Town Hall
        North Stonington, CT

1.      Call to Order Chairman Dan Spring called the meeting to order at 7:37 PM.  Brent Woodward, Emile Pavolvics, Mustapha Ratib and Tim Main were present.  Charlie Steinhart was absent.

2.      Public Comments and Questions: No comments or questions.

3.      BOS: STEAP Grant; Appropriations; Project Updates; Tribal Recognition:

The Town has been awarded, by the State, a Small Town Economic Assistance Program (STEAP) grant of $245,400 for a water line extension. One leg of the extension will run across Route 2 to the new EMS/ firehouse complex and a second leg to the fair grounds.  Priority will be given to the former.  Reimbursement from the State does not occur until the funds are fully expended. The BOS have requested an additional appropriation in the amount of the grant.  Dan Spring moved to deposit $245,000 into Capital Nonrecurring (Water Line Project) with final approval to be requested at a Town meeting.  The motion was seconded by Emile Pavolvics and carried 5-0-0.

First Selectman Nick Mullane briefed the BOF on the continuing Federal Tribal recognition process and the financial impact of mounting attorney fees and requested an additional appropriation of $19,900. It is noted that the Town does have an ordinance to defend against annexation. Dan Spring moved to approve an additional appropriation of $19,900 for Tribal Recognition line item B9.01.  The motion was seconded by Mustapha Ratib and passed 4-1-0.  Emile Pavolvics voted against the motion.

4.      BOE: Fiscal Year 2013-2014 Close Out; Appropriation:  In a letter dated August 27, 2014, Superintendent of Schools Peter Nero reported an unaudited amount of $73,765 in unused funds for FY 2013-2014 that will be returned to the general fund.

The BOS voted 2-1, to forward to the BOF for action, a request by the BOE for an additional appropriation of $19,500 for the purchase of a van to replace an existing van used by the district for maintenance purposes. Dan Spring moved to approve an additional appropriation of $19,500 for the purchase of a used van for the district.  The motion was seconded by Mustapha Ratib and passed 4-1-0.  Tim Main voted against the motion.       

5.      EDC: Economic Development Position: The part time position added in the current year budget to promote economic development in the Town continues to be crafted with emphasis on responsibilities and performance metrics.

6.      BOF Executive Session: At 9:31 PM Dan Spring moved to go into executive session.  The motion was seconded by Emile Pavolvics and carried 5-0-0. Session ended at 9:58 with BOF members Brent Woodward, Tim Main, Mustapha Ratib, Dan Spring and Emile Pavolvics present.

7.      Previous Minutes: Dan Spring moved to approve the minutes of September 10, 2014 as amended. The motion was seconded by Tim Main and carried 3-0-2. Brent Woodward and Mustapha Ratib abstained.

        Dan Spring moved to approve the minutes of August 20, 2014 as amended. The motion was seconded by Mustapha Ratib and carried 4-0-1.  Tim Main abstained.

8.      Future Strategies; School Building Project; Alternates, Draft of Ordnance, Workshop: Emile Pavolvics provided revisions to the proposed ordinance allowing for the election of alternates to the BOF.  Approval of the ordinance will be the subject of a Town meeting.

Dan Spring suggested that a BOF workshop be dedicated to reviewing draft financial polices for potential implementation into Town documentation.   

9.      Adjournment:  A motion to adjourn was made by Dan Spring.  The motion was seconded by Mustapha Ratib and carried 5-0-0. The meeting was adjourned at 10:28 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

\ BBW \

Brent B. Woodward
Secretary, Board of Finance