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Board of Finance Minutes 05/21/2014 Approved

  North Stonington Board of Finance
Approved Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
New Town Hall
North Stonington, CT

  • Call to Order: Chairman Dan Spring called the meeting to order at 7:31 PM. Brent Woodward, Emile Pavolvics, Tim Main and Mustapha Ratib were present. Charlie Steinhart was absent.
Emile Pavolvics moved to add Agenda Item 1.A, Public Comments and Questions. The motion was seconded by Brent Woodward and passed 5-0-0.

1.A     Public Comments and Questions:  Joe Gross requested a detailed breakdown of the $293,823 in line item 700 (Maintenance) in the Education budget  and $15,000 in line item C 5.00 (School Building Improvement) in the Government budget.  The Board agreed to provide the information.   

  • BOS: Town/Tribal Recognition; Attorney’s Fees: Added Appropriations, Transfer Requests: First Selectman Nick Mullane briefed the Board on the current status of the Federal Tribal recognition process and the financial impact resulting from continuing attorney fees. In anticipation of additional incurred costs, the BOS requested an additional $10,000.
Dan Spring moved to transfer $10,000 from line item B27.22 (SCRRRA- Tipping Fee) to line item B9.01 (Tribal Recognition). The motion was seconded by Brent Woodward and passed 5-0-0.

Town attorney fees, for other than Tribal recognition, have also exceeded budget limits.
Dan Spring moved to transfer the following funds to line item B8.0 (Town Attorney).

        B20.04  Social Security         $4,000
        B20.05  Medical Insurance               $5,000
        B22.0           Town Hall Expenses      $5,000

The motion was seconded by Mustapha Ratib and passed 5-0-0.    

  • BOS: Fiscal Year End; CNR Undesignated, Delinquent Tax Collection-Suspense: At the request of the BOS to de-obligate certain capital funds for return to the General fund the following motion was made and amended.
Dan Spring moved to de-obligate the following capital funds for return to the General fund subject to approval at a Town meeting.

        Village Green Bridge    $39,739.24
        Middle School Boilers   $18,922.00
        NSVFC Engine #2         $6.06
Used Bucket Truck        $275.00
Bulky Waste Closure     $1.00

Emile Pavolvics moved to amend the above motion by adding LOCIP Scales at $38,812.00. Brent Woodward seconded the motion, which passed 5-0-0.

The initial motion was seconded by Mustapha Ratib and passed 5-0-0.

The BOS are reviewing the general tax collection policy of which the Suspense list is part of.  Nick Mullane anticipates the revised policy to be in affect by July 1, 2014.

  • BOF: Review; School Building Project Revision/Resolution;  Proposed Budget 2014/2015:  The general consensus among Board members was that advance notification should have been provided regarding the presentation of the school project recovery plan made by Superintendent Peter Nero at the May 14, 2014 BOF special meeting.  Dan Spring noted the public forum (Budget Hearing) provided a better opportunity for more people to hear the changes, than had it been done at a routine BOF meeting.
Final amendments to the proposed FY 2014/2015 budget were made.  Nick Mullane agreed to revise the job description for the EDC part time coordinator to be aligned with the initiatives delineated in the Economic Development Action Plan dated December 2012 prepared by Garnet Consulting.  This change will better serve to evaluate job performance.  

Dan Spring moved to recommend that the Board of Selectmen present to the Town for their consideration a budget of $18,325,618 consisting of the following:

General Government Operating              $4,689,360
Redemption of Debt                           $529,980
Capital                                              $366,676
Board of Education                              $12,739,602

The motion was seconded by Tim Main and passed 4-1-0.  Emile Pavolvics disapproved.

Emile Pavolvics moved to recommend that the BOS bring the FY 2014/2015 budget to a Town meeting for approval vice a referendum.  The motion was seconded by Brent Woodward and approved 5-0-0.

  • Future Strategies; Calendar, Fiscal Polices, Alternates: No action taken.
  • Previous Minutes: Dan Spring moved to approve the minutes of May 7, 2014 as amended. The motion was seconded by Tim Main and carried 5-0-0.
Dan Spring moved to approve the minutes of May 14, 2014 as presented. The motion was seconded by Tim Main and carried 5-0-0.

7.      Adjournment:  A motion to adjourn was made by Dan Spring.  The motion was seconded by Tim Main and carried 5-0-0.  The meeting was adjourned at 12:05 AM on May 22, 2014.

Respectfully Submitted,

\ BBW \

Brent B. Woodward
Secretary, Board of Finance