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Board of Finance Minutes 05/07/2014 Draft

    North Stonington Board of Finance
Draft  Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
New Town Hall
                                          North Stonington, CT
  • Call to Order: Chairman Dan Spring called the meeting to order at 7:31 PM. Brent Woodward, Charlie Steinhart, Emile Pavolvics, Tim Main and Mustapha Ratib were present.
  • Public Comments and Questions: No questions or comments.
  • BOE: School Building Project Referendum, Review: The May 5, 2014 school expansion project referendum resulted in the Town clearly being in opposition to the project. Approximately 60 percent of the 1,151 votes cast were opposed (No; 694, Yes; 457).   A summary of potential reasons for the disapproval are as follows:
  • The cost, equitable to a five mill increase, was more than people wanted to shoulder.
  • The expansion seemed to focus more on athletic benefits; the Town having three gymnasiums, than educational benefits.
  • The project was not well advertised.  First Selectmen Nick Mullane felt a Town hearing and/or survey might have been beneficial.
Subsequent action on a go forward basis is the responsibility of the BOE.

  • BOS; Project Updates, Transfer Request:  Mark Perkins, Chairman of the EMS/Firehouse project briefed the Board on the current status of the project. Cost drivers putting the project over budget include running a water line to the new site, site preparations (moving dirt around) and escalating construction costs.  Efforts to offset the $1.1M increase include the possibility of a STEAP grant, State support and a reduction in the overall size of the building.  Mark Perkins will address these issues with the Board again in 30 days.
Dan Spring moved to transfer $3,650 from line item B11.04 (Attorney) to line item B11.05 (Contracted Consulting Services) in support of Town Zoning regulation modifications.  The motion was seconded by Mustapha Ratib and carried 6-0-0.   

  • BOS and BOE: Budget Prep for FY 2014/2015:  Final amendments to the FY 2014/2015 budget were crafted including an increase of $5,500 to the First Selectman’s salary. This and other changes reflect a  mill rate increase to the taxpayer.
Emile Pavolvics moved to recommend that the FY2014/2015 budget be brought to a Town hearing for disclosure to the residents. The motion was seconded by Charlie Steinhart and passed 6-0-0.

The hearing was scheduled for 7:00 PM on May 14, 2014 at the Elementary School multi-purpose room.

  • BOS and BOE Monthly Reports: Deferred.
  • BOF: Elections; Future Strategies; Calendar; Fiscal Policies Alternatives:
Dan Spring moved to recommend that Tim Main be seated as the BOF Vice Chairman.  Emile Pavolvics seconded the motion, which passed 6-0-0.
Dan Spring moved to recommend that Brent Woodward be seated as the BOF Secretary.  Emile Pavolvics seconded the motion, which passed 6-0-0.

  • Previous Minutes: Dan Spring moved to approve the minutes of April 30, 2014 as presented. The motion was seconded by Charlie Steinhart and carried 6-0-0.
9.      Adjournment:  A motion to adjourn was made by Dan Spring.  The motion was seconded by Tim Main and carried 6-0-0.  The meeting was adjourned at 11:20 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
\ BBW \
Brent B. Woodward
Secretary, Board of Finance