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Board of Finance Minutes 03/12/2014 Draft
North Stonington Board of Finance
Meeting Agenda Wednesday March 12, 2014
New Town Hall
North Stonington, CT

  • Call to Order:  The meeting was called to order at 7:40pm by Chairman Dan Spring.  Members present were Tim Main, Charlie Steinhart, Emile Pavlovics and Mustapha Ratib (8:50pm).
  • Public Comments and Questions:  Mr. Brent Woodard presented the status of the Annual Report for submissions.  He stated that there were 7 reports still due to include Board of Finance.
Mr. Joe Gross reviewed the issue of using a specific document for transfer requests that would facilitate efficiency and standardization.

  • EMS/Fire Complex Update:  Mark Perkins spoke to the progress of the committee for the Project.  The firm of Silver and Petrucelli, the architects working with the committee, forecasted that construction costs were at approximately $320/sqft.  Moreover, site development was projected to be at a cost of $1 million.  It also was suggested to have a sprinkler system for the building which had not been in the original plan.  In all, this current input suggested amendments to the original concept in order to stay on budget.  Mark Perkins stated that all options were being revisited to include the potential of a rebid proposal.
  • PNZ/EDC budget prep. 2014-2015:  Both Lou Steinbrecher, Chairman PNZ, and Juliet Leeming, ZEO/Planner were in attendance.  The discussion centered on the immediate need to update zoning regulation post POCD adoption.  It was emphasized that a planner or planning function be in house to best serve the action plans that emerged from the Plan of Conservation and Development.  How this function would ultimately impact the 2014-2015 budget preparation was still to be determined.  The recommendation for such is to be forth coming by month’s end.
EDC was not represented at the meeting but will be prepared by month’s end.

  • BOS:  First Selectman Nick Mullane stated that the Boombridge bridge project was on track with nothing more to add at this time.
The Sewer Study was in a third round of meetings with the topics of consulting engineers and inter-municipal agreements being developed.

Additional appropriation requests were deferred but were defined to be forthcoming in the areas of animal control and attorney fees that relate to Tribal Recognition issues.

The BOF requested of the First Selectman capital funds breakdown be presented at the next meeting.

  • Tax Collector Report:  An added request was made to have the top 15 delinquent accounts defined so as to give the BOF more clarity of the delinquent tax collection issue.
  • Future Strategies:  The BOE was to approve a school project proposal at their next meeting week of March 17th.  That meeting was to have on the agenda the proposed BOE budget for 2014-2015.  The resolve of the BOE will be brought forth for the BOF review at the March 26th meeting.
Relative to upcoming union negotiations (Paraprofessionals/Custodians), Emile Pavlovics will attend the initial meeting, March 24th, as the BOF liaison.

It is noted that Peter Nimirowski (R), Vice Chairman of the BOF, tendered his resignation to the Town Clerk on March 13th, 2014 due to work related commitments.  The seat vacated will be brought to the attention of the Republican Town Committee.

  • Previous Minutes:  The minutes of the BOF meeting dated March 5, 2014 were reviewed and amended.  The motion to approve the minutes was presented by Dan Spring and seconded by Mustapha Ratib.  The motion carried 4-0-1 (E. Pavlovics abstained).
  • Adjournment:  Dan Spring moved to adjourn the meeting.  It was seconded by Charlie Steinhart and passed 5-0-0.  Adjournment was at 10:30pm.