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                         Town of North Stonington
                                             Board of Selectmen     
                                              December 10, 2013
                   New Town Hall Conference Room--Regular Meeting
                                        7:00 PM

Call to Order -7:00 PM with Selectmen Mullane, Donahue and Testa present
Public Comments and Questions-Joe Gross voiced concern about whether people really know what they are voting on, comments on ATVs on town roads, amount of accidents and fatalities in town, amount of voters registered, confusion on election ballot, spoke of past election problems, decisions should be based on facts.
Minutes-A motion was made by Selectman Donahue  to accept the minutes of December 3, 2013, seconded by Selectman Testa, carrying.  3-0
Old Business-
          1.  Tribal Issues-Acknowledgement Issues-Selectmen Mullane, Congdon and Testa met with Representative Courtney on town’s concerns and have drafted a letter of action items to be forwarded to the Representative.
  2.   Subdivision Review and Planning and Zoning Issues and
                Plan of Conservation and Development and Zoning Regulations Revisions-No activity
  3.   Permanent School Building Project Committee
        A. Permanent School Planning and Building Committee Projects
                1.  Things to Do List-Prepare a Bid Package for High School Emergency Generator
                2.  Other Projects for FY 2013-14-No new information
  4.  Hewitt property
        A.  Committee Report-None
        B.  Dam Repairs-Re-Engineering-January Bidding
        C.  Greene Gables-No report
  5.  New Center for Emergency Services-Short List of Architects picked, preparing for interviews on December 19th
  6.  NSVFC Engine 2 Fire Truck Refurbishment-Contract signed, waiting for schedule from Greenwood
  7.  Boombridge Road Bridge- Design-Various correspondence from designer, TranSystem and consultant need wetlands study, Westerly side of river, $6,000, plus processing of permit.
  8.  Grant applications/administration
        Water Study Ex. 92 X I95-Will meet with Consultants on Thursday to authorize beginning of Study.
        2014 STEAP Grant-Possible Project Candidates and Application-Board of Selectmen must choose a project.
  9.  Authorities, Boards, Committees, and Commissions appointment
•     Permanent School Planning and Building Committee        No action
•     Water Pollution Control Authority-No action
•     Cable TV Advisory Committee-No action                                   
•     Economic Development Commission-Robert Kimball-Unexpired term through 11/2015-A letter of recommendation was received from Sandra Steinhart, RTC Chairman endorsing this appointment.  A motion was made by Selectman Mullane and seconded by Selectman Donahue carrying.  3-0
•     Eastern Regional Mental Health Board, Inc.-No action
•     Inland Wetlands –No action
•     Commission Conservation Commission-No action
•     EMS Facility Members-No action
10.  Flood Damage Status Report/Repairs Update/ Action Items
        Hewitt Dam Rebuilding-January bidding, possible STEAP candidate.
Town Hall brook parking lot retaining walls-Contract Awarded-Poured end wall footing, 29 cu.yds. of cement poured today.
11.   Budget 2012-13-Closeout-No action
        Budget 2013-2014-Only outstanding item is additional appropriation for tribal                  acknowledgment
        Budget 2014-2015-Add schedule to budget letter and send out
        Animal Control Officer Expenses-Selectmen Testa would like 5 years of
                        activity reports and expenses
        Tribal Acknowledgment-Additional Appropriation-Selectmen Mullane finalizing additional appropriation    amount
12.  Unions/Personnel Matters-Executive Session-A motion was made by Selectman
Mullane and seconded by Selectman Donahue to enter executive session at 8:52 PM,
carrying.  Session ended at 9:10 PM, no action.
        AFSCME Union Application
13.     Special Town Meeting
        Items for Future Town Meetings-Information only
                        Lake of Isles subdivision granting of easements to the Town
                        Ordinance Revisions-Purchase Cost Limit
                        Selectmen Elections Rules CGS 9-188-Selectman Testa concerned on                                        recent Board of Finance appointment
                        Borrowing Short Term Notes Authorization
                        DUI Grant Additional Appropriation-$49,975
14.     2014 Legislative Agenda-No action
New Business
1.      Tax Refund(s)-None
2.      Utility Audit-Tabled to next week
3.      Selectmen Public Communications-Selectman Testa would like meeting taped
4.      Town Traffic Concerns-Selectman Testa would like to know if Lt. Thomas has arranged for special patrols?
5.      Tax Collector Appointment-Evaluation to be prepared by Selectman Mullane
Public Comments and Questions
Adjournment-9:15 PM