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Board of Finance Minutes 11/13/2013 Approved

Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
New Town Hall
North Stonington, CT

1.      Call to Order: Chairman Dan Spring called the meeting to order at 7:34 PM. Brent Woodward, Mike Urgo, Peter Nimirowski, Mustapha Ratib and Emile Pavolvics were present.

2.      Public Comments and Questions:  No comments or questions.

3.      BOS: EMS/Fire Complex Update; Monthly Reports Review:

First Selectmen Nick Mullane advised the Board that contract award for repair of the Town Hall parking lot support walls should occur by November 15, 2013. The repair is expected to take 90 days but is contingent on day-to-day weather conditions.

Mark Perkins, Chairman of the EMS/Fire complex design/build committee, informed the Board the request for proposals (RFP) for architectural services are due back for review by November 29, 2013.  It is expected that many bids will be received and that the most favorable top five companies will be invited to the Town for interviews.  Down select and award should happen in January 2014.  Mark was asked to provide the Board with a schedule of the project, which will be used to monitor progress.  He agreed to do so.

Nick Mullane provided the Board a borrowing proposal for FYs 2013/2014 and 2014/2015, which will be the basis of discussion with a bond consultant during an upcoming Board meeting.  Other reports included a summary of General Fund revenues that if added to the estimated unassigned fund balance would yield a balance of $1,797,290.  
4.      BOE:  Monthly Reports Review: Further review of the monthly reports submitted by the BOE at the November 6, 2013 BOF meeting resulted in a consensus that the reports were unnecessarily detailed and would better serve the Board if they were modified to contain financial data similar to previous years.

5.      Budget 2013-2014; Preview Capital Reports: See paragraph 3 above.

6.      Future Strategies; Annual Report, Fiscal Control Policies, Ambulance Services:  Annual report write-ups from boards and commissions continue to be received.
        Fiscal control policies will be pushed to the new Board.  
        Brent Woodward supplied copies of the June 5, 2013 BOF meeting minutes that requested the ambulance association to determine the cost of having a third party evaluate the methodology used by the association’s in creating its annual budget request.
        Draft copies of the 2014 BOF meeting schedule were submitted to the Board for review.  Dan Spring moved to approve the 2014 calendar of Board of Finance meetings. The motion was seconded by Peter Nimirowski and passed 6-0-0.

6a.     Executive Session: Emile Pavolvics moved to go into executive session to discuss ongoing negotiations at 10:03 PM. The motion was seconded by Dan Spring and approved 6-0-0.
       Members present included Dan Spring, Brent Woodward, Mike Urgo, Peter Nimirowski, Mustapha Ratib and Emile Pavolvics.
        The session ended at 10:23.

7.      Previous Minutes: Peter Nimirowski moved to approve the minutes of November 6, 2013 as amended.  The motion was seconded by Mike Urgo and passed 6-0-0.  

8.      Adjournment:  A motion was made by Dan Spring to adjourn.  The motion was seconded by Peter Nimirowski and passed 6-0-0.  The meeting was adjourned at 10:29 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

\ BBW \

Brent B. Woodward
Secretary, Board of Finance

\ BBW \

Brent B. Woodward
Secretary, Board of Finance