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Board of Finance Minutes 03/27/2013 Approved

North Stonington Board of Finance
Meeting Minutes
Wednesday March 27, 2013
New Town Hall
North Stonington, CT

  • Call to Order:  Chairman Dan Spring called the meeting to order at 7:34 PM.~    Brent Woodward, Mike Urgo and Emile Pavolvics were present. Mustapha Ratib arrived at 9:00.  Peter Nimirowski was absent.  
  • Public Comments and Questions:  Mark Perkins and Bob Shabunia, both members of the firehouse replacement committee, solicited questions from the Board regarding the presentation Mark Perkins had given on March 20, 2013.  Dan Spring recommended they assembly a package of supporting documentation to assist in the review/approval process.  
  • Grand List Update:  Darryl DelGrosso, Town Assessor, advised the Board that the net taxable grand list for the 2013/2014 FY is $524,561,751 which is $609,491 less than the current FY.  All adjustments have been processed by the Assessment Board of Appeals.  
4.      BOS: Budget Prep; Proposed Capital Projects; OTH Bridge Project Closeout:  First Selectmen Nick Mullane agreed to provide the Board with a list of capital projects at the next scheduled BOF meeting.  He also advised the Board that a closeout meeting of the OTH bridge project was scheduled for March 28, 2013.    

  • BOE: Middle School Boiler:  Selectman Shawn Murphy stated that the contract for boiler replacement would most likely be awarded during the March 27, 2013 BOE meeting.
  • Strategies; Budget Format; Work, by Mustapha Ratib, continues on reformatting the budget presentation.
Mike Urgo left the meeting at 10:35 PM.

7.      Previous Minutes: Dan Spring moved to approve the minutes of March 20, 2013 as amended.  The motion was seconded by Mustapha Ratib and passed 4-0-0.  
8.  Adjournment:  A motion was made by Dan Spring to adjourn.  The motion was seconded by Brent Woodward and passed 4-0-0.  The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted
Brent Woodward
Secretary, Board of Finance