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Board of Finance Minutes 01/16/2013 Draft

North Stonington Board of Finance
Draft Meeting Minutes
Wednesday January 16, 2013
New Town Hall
North Stonington, CT

  • Call to Order:  Chairman Dan Spring called the meeting to order at 7:34 PM.~    Brent Woodward, Mustapha Ratib, Emile Pavolvics and Mike Urgo were present.  Peter Nimirowski was absent.
  • Public Comments and Questions:  No comments or questions. ~  
  • BOS: Appropriations Requests; Budget Prep (2013-2014); Legislative Meeting; Calendar:   
Appropriation Requests

Mark Perkins, chairman of the North Stonington Fire/EMS Committee and committee member Joe Casata, addressed the Board on matters regarding the proposed replacement fire/EMS building, which has seen considerable effort and expense (approximately $50,000) by the Volunteer Fire Company in developing site and conceptual building drawings.  The committee has been approved for a $6.3M loan from the USDA.  In support of professional services to finalize a project plan adequate for submittal, the committee requested an additional $7,500 in funding.

Dan Spring moved to approve an additional appropriation of $7,500 to Capital Expenditures, for line item Fire/EMS Building Committee for site plan completion, finalization of cost estimates, loan costs and bonding expenses.  The motion was seconded by Mike Urgo and passed 5-0-0.

In support of the FY 2013 Comprehensive DUI Enforcement Program for Resident Troopers which is funded at a total level of $67,436.67, an additional appropriation of $50,577.50 is required.  The difference between these two values, which is $16,859.17, represents 25 percent of the total and is currently budgeted.  The Town will be reimbursed by the State for anything spent up to $50,577.50.

Dan Spring moved to approve an additional appropriation of $50,625 to line item BB26.04 (State Troopers) for FY 2013 DUI Highway Safety Grant.  The motion was seconded by Mike Urgo and passed 5-0-0.

First Selectman Nick Mullane briefed the Board on increased Tribal activity which the BOS felt warranted additional funding for attorney fees.  Rather than transferring funds, as requested by the BOS, the Board elected to approve an additional appropriation.

Mustapha Ratib moved to approve an additional appropriation of $10,000 to line item B9.01 (Tribal Recognition).  The motion was seconded by Dan Spring and passed
Budget Prep (2013-2014)

Nick Mullane informed the Board of his intentions to keep the department FY 2013/14 spending at current levels.

Legislative Meeting   

Nick Mullane is working at scheduling at joint meeting between the BOS/BOF/BOE and Senator Andy Maynard and Representative Diana Urban to discuss Town/State fiscal matters.  The meeting date is not yet firm but is tentatively scheduled for January 22, 2013.
4.      BOE: Middle School Boiler:  A proposal from the BOE for middle school boiler repair/replacement including cost has not yet been received.

5.      Previous Minutes:  Dan Spring moved to approve the minutes of January 2, 2013 as amended.  The motion was seconded by Mike Urgo and passed 5-0-0.   

  • Future Strategies; ICONS Reception:  The Informed Citizens of North Stonington have scheduled an informal gathering, on February 18, 2013, with members of various Town boards and committees.  The location has not been determined.     
7.  Adjournment:  A motion was made by Dan Spring to adjourn.  The motion was seconded by Mustapha Ratib and passed 5-0-0.  The meeting was adjourned at 10:25 PM.

Respectfully Submitted
Brent Woodward
Secretary, Board of Finance