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Board of Finance Minutes 02/20/2013 Approved


North Stonington Board of Finance

Meeting Minutes


Wednesday February 20, 2013

New Town Hall

North Stonington, CT




1.      Call to Order:  Chairman Dan Spring called the meeting to order at 7:34 PM.     Brent Woodward, Peter Nimirowski, Emile Pavolvics and Mike Urgo were present. Mustapha Ratib was absent. 


2.      Public Comments and Questions:  No comments or questions.


3.   Affordable Housing Review: 


Mary Ann Ricker, co-chair of the North Stonington Affordable Housing Committee, submitted a white paper which focused on the need for funding to promote affordable housing in the Town in order to meet the State mandated goal of ten percent. Key elements of the program are:


·         Tax abatement for temporary deed restriction

·         Housing rehabilitation funding

·         Convert “naturally occurring” affordable housing into protected affordable units

·         Property tax credit for deed restricting accessory apartments


Also submitted was a request for $2,050 in funding to support immediate needs. The Board suggested that the legal fees ($1,200) for advice and ordinance preparation be included in the budget under the existing attorney line item.


A motion was made by Dan Spring recommending that the BOS create a line item in the budget having a value of $1,000 supporting the affordable housing outreach education effort.  The motion was seconded by Brent Woodward and passed 5-0-0.



  1. PNZ Meeting Review: 

The Board reviewed the action items included in both the Housing Plan dated January 24, 2013 and Economic Development Action Plan dated December 2012. 


  1. BOS: Budget Prep (2013-2014) Capital Projects; Project Updates; S. Welwood Audit Team; Calendar:

The tripartite meeting between the BOS, BOE and BOF to kick off the budget season is tentatively scheduled for March 6, 2013. 


First Selectman Nick Mullane updated the Board on the status of various Town projects of which three are going bridge repairs. He also advised the Board that the election for unionizing eligible Town hall employees is scheduled for March 25, 2013.  Chairman Dan Spring requested Nick Mullane to prepare a capital projects summary and an all inclusive Town cash management report.


Nick Mullane is scheduled to meet with Sandy Welwood on February 25, 2013 to discuss financial policy and procedure upgrades.


  1. BOE: Budget Prep; Middle School Boiler: 

Bids for the middle school boiler repair/replacement are under review by the BOE.


  1. Previous Minutes:

Dan Spring moved to approve the minutes of February 6, 2013 as amended.  The motion was seconded by Emile Pavolvics and passed 5-0-0.  


8.   Future Strategies: Evaluation of first selectman compensation.


9.  Adjournment:


      A motion was made by Dan Spring to adjourn.  The motion was seconded by Peter Nimirowski and passed 5-0-0.  The meeting was adjourned at 10:44 PM.




Respectfully Submitted


Brent Woodward

Secretary, Board of Finance