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Board of Finance Minutes 12/18/2013 Approved
North Stonington Board of Finance
Meeting Wednesday December 18, 2013
New Town Hall
North Stonington, CT

  • Call to Order: Peter Nimirowski, V. Chairman called the BOF meeting to order at 7:32pm.  Present were Dan Spring, Charlie Steinhart, Tim Main, Mustapha Ratib and absent was Emile Pavlovics.
  • Public Comments: Mr. Ray Geer described the circumstances of a N. Stonington resident in need of services from the Pawcatuck Neighborhood Center.  This was particular to transportation services.  He asked what transportation services were available from the Town and those from the Pawcatuck Neighborhood Center.  Nick Mullane committed to a follow up with Mr. Geer.
  • BOF: Peter Nimirowski as acting Chair opened nominations for the vacancy of Chairman.  He nominated Dan Spring with that nomination being seconded by Mustapha Ratib.  With no other nominations presented, Dan Spring was elected Chairman of the Board of Finance 5-0-0.  D. Spring had been voted back to the Board of Finance at the December 8th meeting filling the seat vacated by Brent Woodward with the endorsement of the Democratic Town Committee.
On another matter, the BOF discussed the need for minutes to be recorded.  A motion was presented by Dan Spring and seconded by Charlie Steinhart.  The motion passed 5-0-0.  A request was made to the BOS to order a digital recorder.  Nick Mullane committed to follow up this request.

  • BOS: The Board of Selectman requested an additional appropriation for:
Selectmens’ Expenses
Newsletter (spent)                      $   593
Future                                  $1,200
Calendar                                $3,000

Town Insurance
New underground oil tanks               $1,000

Boombridge Road Bridge=Design Change    $9,570
80% reimbursement from State  

and the DUI grant $49,975.00.  The motion to approve these appropriations requests put forth by Dan Spring and seconded by Mustapha Ratib.  The motion carried 5-0-0.

Relative to capital project financing a motion was presented by Dan Spring to grant the authority to the Board of Selectmen to proceed with financing for the capital project adopted in the current budget subject to term approval by the Board of Finance.  The motion was seconded by Mustapha Ratib.  Discussion emphasized the potential integration of financing with the financing for the EMS/Fire Complex project.  The motion passed 5-0-0.

Project updates were deferred.

  • Sandra E. Welwood, LLC presented the draft audit for fiscal year 2012-2013 and prefaced by calling the results of the audit outstanding! This was due in large measure by systems in place at the Town.  There was no material deficiencies to report but noted that the Town had retired significant debt at the consequence of the Towns General Fund balance for the period reported.  The firm strongly suggested that the General Fund be funded at an optimal level of 8-10% of the total revenue of the adopted budget.  With consideration to the General Fund balance, she noted the delinquency level on tax collections for the Town.  In particular, the level is high and needs to be remedied by an aggressive, standardized collection process monitored by the administration.  After a page by page review of the audit, she closed by applauding the progress that had been made over the past 24 months.
A motion to accept the draft audit was presented by Dan Spring and seconded by Tim Main.  The motion carried 5-0-0.

  • The Board of Education monthly report was distributed for review
  • Progress on the Annual Report was reported with additional submissions expected.  Other topics were deferred.
  • Minutes for the November 13th meeting were amended.  The motion to approve the minutes was presented by Peter Nimirowski and seconded by Tim Main.  The minutes were approved 5-0-0.  Minutes for the December 8th meeting were not presented.
  • A motion to adjourn was presented by Dan Spring and seconded by Peter Nimirowski.  The motion carried 5-0-0.  The meeting adjourned at 9:57pm.