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Board of Finance Minutes 09/05/2012 Draft
headerbg.jpgNorth Stonington Board of Finance
Draft Meeting Minutes
Wednesday September 5, 2012
New Town Hall
North Stonington, CT

  • Call to Order:  Chairman Dan Spring called the meeting to order at 7:34 P.M.~
Brent Woodward, Emile Pavolvics, Mustapha Ratib and Peter Nimirowski were present.  

2.      Public Comments and Questions:  Public comments are as follows:

  • Brad Borden asked if the money from the school discovery audit results had been paid to the Town.  Although the money has yet to be received it is secure in an escrow account and payment is imminent.  Brad also expressed concern with the $3,000,000 in bookkeeping corrections noted in the recent (2011) Town audit report.  He thought it a red flag that warranted action by the BoF.  Dan Spring noted that a third party was being considered to review the Town financial procedures and policies.    
  • Andrea Willetts wanted to know how to be better informed of Town functions/meetings.  She was provided with numerous ways to stay in touch with such things.
  • An unidentified person spoken in favor of the recent survey.
  • Budget 2012-2013 Review/Survey; Calendar:  A total of 385 survey responses were received by the August 24, 2012 dead line.  By a 2.8 to 1 margin, people felt that the general operating government budget was not too high.  In contrast, many felt the BoE budget was too large.  Survey responses will be the focus of a community dialog meeting on September 17, 2012.  A Town meeting is scheduled for October 15, 2012 with the 4th budget referendum scheduled for October 22, 2012.  
  • BOS; Project Updates:  First Selectmen Nick Mullane reported that since the Main Street bridge support arches had been installed work was progressing at best slowly.  A new time line was expected by September 7, 2012.  A $600,000 to $700,000 claim to FEMA will be submitted in the near future with a 75 percent reimbursement coming at no defined time.
Work on the Gymatorium roof is being reviewed to determine a time frame having the least disruption to the building’s function .  The cost is estimated at $40,000.   
  • BOE; Post Audit Settlement/Release, Recommendation:  Copies of the final school discovery audit analysis were distributed to the Board.  In addition to a detailed financial breakdown, numerous recommendations were included that if implemented could avoid a reoccurrence of the events leading up to the current situation.
A motion was made by Dan Spring to send a letter to the BoE Chairman, Bob Testa, requesting the BoE to provide monthly updates to the BoF regarding the action/implementation of recommendations made by JH Cohn LLP in the discovery audit findings dated August 10, 2012.  The motion was seconded by Emile Pavlovics and passed 5-0-0.
6.      Future Strategies:  A post card having dates for upcoming events associated with the 4th referendum will be sent to all residences in the Town.

        A candidate to fill the empty slot on the BoF is still being sought.  Appointment is done by a special meeting.
7.      Previous Minutes:

Dan Spring moved to approve the minutes of August 22, 2012 as amended.  The motion was seconded by Peter Nimirowski and passed 4-0-1.  Peter Nimirowski abstained.

Dan Spring moved to approve the minutes of August 27, 2012 as amended.  The motion was seconded by Peter Nimirowski and passed 5-0-0.  

Brent Woodward moved to approve the minutes of August 29, 2012 as amended.  The motion was seconded by Dan Spring and passed 3-0-2.  Peter Nimirowski and Brent Woodward abstained.
8.  Adjournment:

        A motion was made by Peter Nimirowski to adjourn.  The motion was seconded by Dan Spring and passed 5-0-0.  The meeting was adjourned at 10:29 PM.

Respectfully Submitted
Brent Woodward
Secretary, Board of Finance