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Board of Finance Minutes 05/16/2012 Draft
North Stonington Board of Finance
Draft Meeting Minutes
Wednesday May 16, 2012
New Town Hall
North Stonington, CT

  • Call to Order:  Chairman Dan Spring called the meeting to order at 7:34 P.M.~ Emile Pavolvics, Peter Nimirowski, Mustapha Ratib and Brent Woodward were present.  Elwin Bresette was absent.
  • Public Comments and Questions:~  Numerous citizens made comments on the proposed FY2012-13 budget that was presented at the May 14, 2012 budget hearing.  The following attempts to capture the essence of these comments.      
  • Bob Shabunia asked what amount of the budget was being earmarked for the unreserved fund.   The answer is that money is in fact being taken from the fund.  He also commented about the $6,000 increase in heating cost in the school budget thinking that the switch to natural gas should yield a savings.  He informed the Board that the firehouse project team was considering a 20 year loan for $6.36M at 3.375% to fund the new complex.              
  • Joe Gross spoke in disfavor of the budget because of his perception that it had not been scrutinized closely enough.  He told the Board of problems with the schools such as leaking roofs and windows that needed replacing, all which needed addressing.  He also felt that it would be easier for people to review the budget if the formats of school and government were the same.
  • Brian Rathbun thought it would be better if the various expense line items noted repeatedly throughout the budget were grouped together.                    
3.      Budget Hearing May 14, 2012 / Comments:  Public comments made at the budget hearing on May 14, 2012 were reviewed to determine what, if any, impart they might have on the proposed budget.  The one comment that was heard from three different people was the dislike in reducing the hours/compensation from town hall employees.  Other comments included why the need to pay down the debt by year 2014 and it would behoove the Board to provide an example of why an adjustment to the mil rate was needed because of the revaluation.       

4.      BOS: Budget FY 2012-13/ Transfers/ Project Updates /P&L Report:
First Selectmen Nick Mullane reported that the transfers were not yet ready for presentation and had the following to say on select Town projects.

  • Main Street Bridge – Recent rains continued to impede progress.
  • Village Green Bridge – A site walk had been made and comments from an abutting land owner may result in changes to the design.
  • Army Corps of Engineers is reviewing the Hewitt Dam design drawing as part of the permit process.  Cost to repair the dam is estimated at $350,000 and is not funded.
The Profit and Loss report is without issue or action.

5.      BOE: Budget 2012-13 / Discovery Audit:  The contracted auditor is continuing the examination into the alleged misuse of school funds.

  • Budget Acceptance:  After numerous changes were made to the budget, Dan Spring made the following motion.
I make a motion recommending that the Board of Selectmen present to the Town for their consideration a budget of $20,828,961, consisting of the following:

General Government expenditures of $8,306,634, including the redemption of debt and capital and Board of Education expenditures of $12,522,327.

The motion was seconded by Peter Nimirowski and passed 5-0-0.

  • Calendar and Communications:  Town Meeting May 29, 2012 Referendum:  The budget, as approved by the BOF, will be presented to the Town on May 29, 2012.  
  • Previous Minutes:  Dan Spring moved to approve the minutes of May 5, 2012 and May 9, 2012 as presented.  The motion was seconded by Mustapha Ratib and passed 5-0-0.
  • Correspondence: E-mail was received from Elwin Bresette stating that he was resigning from the BOF affective immediately.
  • Adjournment:  A motion was made by Dan Spring to adjourn.  The motion was seconded by Brent Woodward and carried 4-0-0.  The meeting was adjourned at 11:53 PM.    
 Mustapha Ratib left at 11:45 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Brent Woodward
Secretary, Board of Finance