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Board of Finance Minutes 04/18/2012 Approved
North Stonington Board of Finance
Meeting Minutes
Wednesday April 18, 2012
New Town Hall
North Stonington, CT

  • Call to Order:  Chairman Dan Spring called the meeting to order at 7:31 P.M.~ Peter Nimirowski, Mustapha Ratib and Brent Woodward were present.  Elwin Bresette and Emile Pavolvics were absent.
  • Public Comments and Questions:~  Ms Vickie Anderson, the executive director of the Pawcatuck Neighborhood Center, briefed the Board on the services provided to the town’s people by the Center and asked for continued financial support.  The good work done by the Center is reflected in the many residents of the town who are recipients of these services.  The proposed FY2012-13 government budget includes a line item for the Center.   
  • Louis Steinbrecher, Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission and Juliet Leeming, Zoning Enforcement Officer/ Planner discussed the rational for hiring Dan Poland Consulting to perform a top down revision of the town’s zoning regulations.  The estimated cost for this effort is $23,250.  As the need for this effort/expenditure seems vital to the town’s economic growth, the Board agreed that spending $5,000 from the current year Economic Development Commission budget, to get the program started, and increasing the FY2012-13 proposed Planning and Zoning budget, by the balance, was warranted.
  • BOE: Budget FY 2012-13/Review:  BOE Special Meeting April 9, 2012:  Draft minutes from the April 9, 2012 Board of Education special meeting, which was convened to discuss school related fiscal affairs, were distributed.  Because the Board had not yet received any written request from the BOE on this matter, no action by the Board has been taken.  
  • BOS: Budget FY 2012-13/Review and Project Updates:  First Selectman Nick Mullane and Selectmen Mark Donahue and Shawn Murphy were present to provide supplemental information as needed.
Budget review:  A continuation of the FY 2012-13 budget discussion resulted in three items needing further review by the BOS.  These items are:

  • Adding money (approximately $18,000) to the Planning and Zoning Commission budget to over the balance of the cost for hiring a consultant to revise the zoning regulations.
  • Splitting the cost of the $175,000 town truck over two years.
  • Arranging for a meeting with the town’s state trooper organization.  

Project updates:  Nick Mullane reported the following:

  • Main Street bridge work continues and the September finish date is being held.
  • Steel has been erected on the foundation for the compactor expansion at the transfer station.
  • The wash station design has been approved by the Wetlands Commission and will now go to Planning and Zoning.  
  • Tennis court reconstruction progress is good and should be done in four weeks or so.
  • Boombridge Road bridge struggles with design issues.
  • The Tribal recognition case is with the Justice Department and will be monitored by the Board because of the impact on the tax base.
6.      Previous Minutes:  Dan Spring moved to approve the minutes of April 11, 2012 as amended.  The motion was seconded by Peter Nimirowski and passed 4-0-0.

  • Correspondence:  Audit 2011-12 Proposals:  The third and final audit services request for proposal (RFP) has not yet been received.
8.      Future Agenda Items/ BoF Strategy:
  • Approval of April 18, 2012 Minutes
BOE Budget/ Special Meeting
BOS Budget/ State Trooper Presentation
  • General FY 2012-13 Budget Discussion
9.      Adjournment:  A motion was made by Dan Spring to adjourn.  The motion was seconded by Brent Woodward and carried 4-0-0.  The meeting was adjourned at 10:47 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Brent Woodward
Secretary, Board of Finance