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Board of Finance Minutes 04/11/2012 Draft
North Stonington Board of Finance
Draft Meeting Minutes
Wednesday April 11, 2012
Senior Center
40 Main Street, North Stonington, CT

  • Call to Order:  Chairman Dan Spring called the meeting to order at 7:37 P.M.~ Peter Nimirowski, Emile Pavolvics, Mustapha Ratib and Brent Woodward were present.  Elwin Bresette was absent.
  • Public Comments and Questions:~  No public comments.
  • BOE: Budget FY 2012-13/Review:  BOE Special Meeting April 9, 2012:  Due to the absence of anyone from the BOE membership, no discussion about the budget occurred.  Dan Spring did report that he had attended a BOE special meeting on April 9, 2012, which had been called to discuss inappropriate spending of BOE funding.  At that meeting a motion was made and approved (4-1-0) to go forward with a forensic audit to examine school related economic affairs.  Dan Spring agreed to contact the BOE chair, Darren Robert, to make clear any action on this matter by the BOF would only start if a written request was submitted.  The BOS were in agreement with this course of action.   
  • BOS: Budget FY 2012-13/Review and Project Updates:  First Selectman Nick  Mullane and Selectmen Mark Donahue and Shawn Murphy were present to provide supplemental budget information as needed.
Budget review:  The Board was provided a package of backup budget information from the state and various Town commissions and associated organizations.  Of particular concern is the investment in long range planning in the pursuit of economic development for purposes of increasing the grand list.  To this end a recent review of the Town’s zoning regulations, by the Don Poland Consulting firm, concluded that a comprehensive update of the regulations was needed to improve the economic vitality of the Town.  To implement this program a significant cost, which is not reflected in the Planning and Zoning budget, would be needed to overhaul the Town’s zoning regulations.  Further discussion with Planning and Zoning personnel on this issue was considered warranted and will be pursued.

The BOS were requested to revisit their request for a new dump truck costing $175,000 in this year’s capital plan.  An option would be to fund one half of the truck in the FY 2012-13 budget and the balance in the following year.  This would free up money for other things and eliminate finance charges associated with borrowing the money.  

Project updates:  Nick Mullane reported that tennis court reconstruction completion is expected in four to six weeks and will be on budget.

5.  Profit and Loss Report:  The General Fund Profit and Loss through March of 2012 and comparison to previous year reports were reviewed with no outstanding issues.   
6.      Previous Minutes:  Dan Spring moved to approve the minutes of April 4, 2012 as amended.  The motion was seconded by Emile Pavolvics and passed 4-0-1.

  • Correspondence:  Audit 2011-12 Proposals:  An account of the five audit services request for proposals (RFP) was provided by Dan Spring and is as follows:
  • Two have been received
  • One is due shortly
  • One no bid
  • One is no longer in business
8.      Future Agenda Items/ BoF Strategy:
  • Profit and Loss Report
  • Approval of April 11, 2012 Minutes
BOE Special Meeting Audit Inquiry
Planning  and Zoning  FY 2012-13 Budget Review
  • General FY 2012-13 Budget Discussion
9.      Adjournment:  A motion was made by Dan Spring to adjourn.  The motion was seconded by Mustapha Ratib and carried 5-0-0.  The meeting was adjourned at 10:43 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Brent Woodward
Secretary, Board of Finance