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Board of Finance Minutes 05/12/2010 Approved
North Stonington Board of Finance
Approved Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, May 12, 2010, 7:30 PM
Senior Citizen's Center
Behind Holly Green, North Stonington, CT

  • Call to Order: Chairman M. Donahue called the meeting to order at 7:39 PM.  Chairman M. Donahue, Vice Chair G. Herbert, Secretary T. Oswald, E. Pavlovics, E. Bresette and P. Nimirowski were present.
  • Public Comments and Questions: None.
  • Budget Hearing Results: The Board reviewed comments and feedback from Monday’s Budget Hearing.
  • Board of Selectmen: First Selectman N. Mullane, presented a request for an additional appropriation to expend the funds received under the ARRA Stimulus grant for the installation of the solar panels on the Old Town Hall.  
M. Donahue moved to accept the Board of Selectmen’s request for an Additional Appropriation in the amount of $40,092 for the ARRA Stimulus fund expenditures to be used for the installation of solar panels on the Old Town Hall, to be included in Line Item CC3.34 Town Building Solar Power. P. Nimirowski seconded and the motion passed 6-0-0.

Mr. Mullane presented several draft BOS resolutions, an agenda and drafts of material for the proposed annual Town Meeting. The latest status of storm damage repair estimates and possible reimbursement was reviewed. Mr. Mullane provided an update from the public hearing concerning the status of the Hewitt Property, specifically the proposal to rebuild the former Dew Drop Inn establishment.

T. Oswald left the meeting at 9:10 PM.

  • 2010/11 Budget/Budget Spreadsheet
  • Revision A Review: Mr. Mullane confirmed that $94,904 is currently undesignated in the Capital Non-Recurring Fund.  
G. Herbert moved to recommend to a Town Meeting that $90,000 in Undesignated Capital Non-recurring monies be designated within CNR as an account for Storm Damage Repair. E. Bresette seconded and the motion passed 4-1-0, E. Pavlovics opposing.

Revision B of the budget was created and a new line item was included in the School Building Improvement section (C5) of the Capital Expenditures for a School Boiler Replacement Project and a budget of $112,000 was assigned.

To provide BOS the flexibility to finance or lease 2 dump trucks, the $325,000 total estimated capital expenditure for the two trucks was included in Line Item CC1.05 with a corresponding Means of Financing coming from Notes Proceeds in the amount of $260,000, the balance being covered with proposed current year revenues.

To fund the changes, a mil rate increase of 0.25 mil was factored into the budget.

  • Recommendation of Budget to Town Meeting: M. Donahue moved to recommend that the Board of Selectmen present to the Town for their consideration a budget of $17,862,413, consisting of the following: General Government expenditures of $5,781,241, including the redemption of debt and capital and Board of Education expenditures of $12,081,172. E. Pavlovics seconded and the motion passed 3-2, E. Bresette and P. Nimirowski opposing.
  • Board of Finance Strategy: Deferred.
  • Previous Minutes: Deferred.
  • Correspondence:
  • Request for Proposals for Reappraisal and Revaluation Services, undated.
  • Future Agenda Items Identification: No additional items.
  • Adjournment:  G. Hebert moved to adjourn. E. Bresette seconded and the motion carried 5-0-0. The meeting adjourned at 11:15 PM

Respectfully Submitted,


Mark Donahue                                                    Approved: 5-19-10