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Board of Finance Minutes 11/03/2010 Draft
North Stonington Board of Finance
DRAFT Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
40 Main Street, North Stonington, CT

  • Call to Order: Chairman M. Donahue called the meeting to order at 7:40 PM.  Chairman M. Donahue, D. Spring, E. Pavlovics, E. Bresette, P. Nimirowski and M. Ratib were present.
  • Public Comments and Questions: None. D. Spring moved to add an agenda item 2A Report on Auditor Conference re: Financial Conditions of State. E. Bresette seconded and the motion carried 6-0-0.
2A. Report on Auditor Conference re: Financial Conditions of State: P. Nimirowski reported on the workshop he attended on October 26th held by the Town’s auditor, M. Marien & Co, regarding financial conditions of the State and possible cost cutting measures which municipalities could consider in developing their upcoming budgets. P. Nimirowski excused himself and departed from the meeting at 8:05 PM.

  • Tax Collector’s Report: The Board reviewed the Tax Collector’s report dated 10/29/2010. M. Donahue will inquire regarding the status and handling of the Overpaid items totaling $55,245 for the years 1994-2010. The Tax Collector will be invited to an upcoming meeting as part of the preparation for next year’s budget and to meet the new BOF members.  
  • Board of Selectmen – Financial Report: The Board reviewed the BOS Financial Statements of October 2010. Item A5.26 Cemetery Damage Reimbursement shows an entry of -$870.00, which appears to be incorrect and needs to be confirmed – the Board questioned whether this entry should really be positive not negative.
N. Mullane, First Selectman, reported that labor grievance resolutions are pending on two cases and legal expenses are accruing.

The new diesel generator for the Town Emergency Operations Center is installed within the timeframe required by the grant which funded it.  

Solar panels are planned to be installed at the Senior Center, Transfer Station and Firehouse as part of a Federal/State grant program to train installers – the cost to the Town will be $1/panel at the end of the five year lease period. The total value of the three panels is approximately $149,000.

Final estimated costs of the school boiler repair project are being collected and may amount to between $520,000 - 525,000. The Board requested a status of the current expenditures against the allocated budget of $112,000 intended for initial planning.

A town hearing is required and planned to present an update on the proposals for the Main Street bridge repairs. The remainder of the design may cost $200,000. The overall project cost may total between $800,000 - $1,000,000 of which 75% should be reimbursed by FEMA.

  • Board of Finance Strategy:
  • Executive Session - BOE Teachers’ Contract Negotiations:  E. Pavlovics motioned for the BOF to enter Executive Session at 9:07 PM.  E. Bresette seconded and the motion passed on a vote of 5-0-0.   The Board came out of Executive Session at 9:43 PM.
  • Previous Minutes:
  • E. Bresette moved to approve the BoF Special Meeting minutes of October 20th. D. Spring seconded and the motion carried 5-0-0.
  • E. Bresette moved to approve the BoF Regular Meeting minutes of October 20th. M. Ratib seconded and the motion carried 5-0-0.
  • Correspondence: None.
  • Future Agenda Items Identification: None.
  • Adjournment:  E. Bresette moved to adjourn.  M. Ratib seconded and the motion carried 5-0-0. The meeting adjourned at 10:17 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Mark Donahue                                            