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Board of Finance Minutes 08/18/2010 Draft

North Stonington Board of Finance
DRAFT Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, 18 August, 2010
New Town Hall
40 Main St, North Stonington, Ct

1. Call to Order. Chairman M. Donahue called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. Chairman M. Donahue, Vice Chair G. Herbert, E. Pavlovics E. Bresette, and P. Nimirowski were present.
2. Public Comments and Questions: Public comments centered around the open seat on the BOF. Chairman M. Donahue indicated that to date the BOF had not received any letters from candidates interested in filling the BOF vacant seat.

3. Revaluation Bids - Mr. DelGrosso, North Stonington’s assessor, briefed the BOF on the bids for the Revaluation for the Town of North Stonington. Mr. DelGrosso provided a letter from the Office of the Assessor dated 18 Aug, 2001 for the October 1, 2011 Grand List which outlined the various bid amounts. Mr. DelGrosso recommended Vision Appraisal to complete the revaluation. One of the prime factors for the recommendation is that Vision will take new pictures of every piece of property in the Town. Also the firm has a long standing presence in the Town since they did the Town’s appraisal twice before and they are the authors of the software used by the Assessor’s Office today. E. Bresette motioned that the BOF accept the bid for Vision Appraisal Technologies as recommended by our Assessor at a cost of 125,300 to be paid for out of the CNR Revaluation account. P. Nimirowski seconded the motion which passed on a vote of 5-0-0
4. BOE Financial Report: There was no BOE Financial Report for this meeting..
5. BOS Financial Report: There was no BOS Financial Report for this meeting. N. Mulane briefed the BOF on the flashing project which has a cost estimate of $53,400.00 Mr. Mulane recommended that since the Permanent School Building Committee (PSBC) has no current projects identified, that the PSBC CNR account be used for the flashing project. Also, Mr. Mulane indicated that bids are out for the boiler project and hopes to have an update as to the status of these bids by the next scheduled BOF meeting. E. Bresette motioned that the BOF concur with the BOS request to expend 53, 400 on the flashing project from the Permanent School Building Committee CNR account. P. Nimirowski seconded the motion and the motion passed 5-0-0
6. RBA
A. Solar Power Projects: Discussion deferred until the first meeting in September.
B. Other Candidate Programs: There were no additional RBA candidate programs identified.
7. BOF Strategy: Complete the Solar RBA before the next budget.
8. Previous Minutes: G. Herbert motioned to accept the minutes of 9 June 2010 as written. E. Bresette seconded and the minutes were accepted by a vote of 5-0-0. E. Bresette motioned to accept the minutes of 7 July, 2010 as written. P. Nimirowski seconded the motion which passed by a vote of 4-0-1 with G. Herbert abstaining. P. Nimirowski motioned to accept the minutes of 4 August, 2010 as written. E. Bresette seconded and the motion passed by a vote of 5-0-0
9. Correspondence: A letter from Dr. Pukas dated 4 August, 2010 outlining the negotiations with the North Stonington Teacher’s Association.
10. Future Agenda Items Identification: The BOF will ask the BOS to brief the BOF on the Ad-hoc School Building Committee charter and any estimated monetary need for this committee during the fiscal year. Also, the BOF would like a briefing on the New Town Hall generator and any response from the Attorney General on Rosie’s, building project .
11. Adjournment: E. Bresette motioned to adjourn at 9:47 P.M. The motion was seconded by E. Pavlovics and passed on a vote of 5-0-0.

Respectfully Submitted

Gary Herbert
Vice Chairman