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Board of Finance Minutes 09/01/2010 Draft
North Stonington Board of Finance
DRAFT Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, 1 September, 2010
New Town Hall
40 Main St, North Stonington, Ct

1. Call to Order: M. Donahue called the meeting to order at 7:36 P.M. Chairman M. Donahue, Vice Chair G. Herbert, E. Pavlovics E. Bresette, and P. Nimirowski were present.
2. Public Comments and Questions: There were no Public comments or questions.
3. Tax Collector’s Report: The BOF reviewed the Tax Collector’s Report dated 1 September, 2010. First Selectman N. Mullane was asked to to provide an explanation on the current year Overpaid Taxes which totaled $66, 243.13. The BOF also asked Mr. Mullane to provide clarification on previous year Overpaid and Uncollected Taxes. Mr. Mullane will provide this information at the next regularly scheduled BOF meeting.
4. BOE Financial Report: The BOE did not submit a Financial Report for review. Dr. N. Pukas provided a memo dated 31 August, 2010 showing the BOE will return $91,193.91 in end of fiscal year money back to the Town‘s General Reserve. In addition, M. Donahue will ask the BOE how they anticipate handling the $169,123.00 allotted to the Town from the Education Jobs Act grant money.
5. BOS Financial Report: The BOS did not submit a Financial Report for review. N. Mullane briefed the BOF on the following projects:
A. The BOS are looking into a new Charter for Ad Hoc School Building Committee to determine the necessary funding the Committee will need.
B. Bids for the Boiler Project are due next Tuesday and the BOS will brief the BOF on the project status at the next scheduled BOF meeting.
C. The original bid of $53,400 for the School Flashing Project increased to $75,000 due to the selected bidder finding work that would cost more than the original bid. The BOS is re-evaluating the bid process and the BOS will report back to the BOF at the next scheduled BOF meeting.
D. The Town is still waiting for a response from the State Attorney General on the new building project at the location of the old Dew Drop Restaurant. The BOS will report any progress at the next scheduled BOF meeting.
E. The BOS continues to track the financial impact of the 31 March, 2010 storm and its associated damage to the Town. This includes consulting engineering costs, FEMA reimbursements, and cash expenditures from the Storm Damage CNR Account. N. Mullane will continue to keep the BOF appraised on a monthly basis.

F. The Town Hall Generator is on budget and on track to be installed to meet the 1 Nov 2010 target date.
G. The BOS are researching grants for a new solar project and repairs to the Hewitt Property dam. The BOS will report back to the BOF as to the status of this research at our next scheduled meeting
6. RBA
A. Solar Power Projects. G. Herbert motioned to authorize G. Herbert to purchase a document scanner for a cost not to exceed $125.00 to be used for the Solar RBA that will commence on 1 October 2010. M. Donahue seconded the motion which passed on a vote of 5-0-0.
B. Other Candidate Programs. The BOF will consider the Town’s Highway Department as an RBA candidate in the future.
7. BOF Strategy. The BOF will look into BOE and BOS capital projects in depth. The goal will be to look for ways to assist the two boards achieve their strategic goals from a funding perspective.
8. Previous minutes: P. Nimirowski motioned that the 18 August, 2010 minutes be accepted as amended. E. Bresett seconded and the motioned passed by a vote of 5-0-0.
9. Correspondence: The BOF received a Memo from Marien and Company outlining the IRS policy requiring non-profit organizations to submit accreditation paperwork by 15 October, 2010. The BOF also received a letter from Frank Limpert Jr. requesting he be considered as a candidate for the BOF open seat. Finally, the BOF received a CCM booklet on the state of Connecticut finances titled State Budget Crisis and Towns and Cities.
10. Future agenda Items Identification: M. Donahue will establish a date for a special meeting to select a candidate for the vacant seat on the BOF
11. Adjournment: G Herbert motioned to adjourn at 10:14. E. Bresett seconded and the motion passed by a vote of 5-0-0.

Respectfully Submitted

Gary Herbert
Vice Chairman