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Board of Finance Minutes 01/09/2008
North Stonington, CT
Board of Finance
Minutes of Special Meeting
January 9, 2008
North Stonington Senior Center

1.      Call to Order:  Acting Chairman L. Southwick called the meeting to
order at 8:05 PM; Acting Secretary M. Donahue and members E. Pavlovics and
G. Herbert were present.  
2.      Elections to Fill Two Vacancies on Board of Finance:  E. Pavlovics
nominated T. Oswald to succeed a vacancy on the Board of Finance. M. Donahue
seconded the motion, which carried 4-0-0.
L. Southwick nominated N. Gumprecht to succeed a vacancy on the Board of
Finance. G. Herbert seconded the motion, which carried 2-0-2; M. Donahue and
E. Pavlovics abstained.

3.      Adjournment:  G. Herbert made a motion to adjourn. L. Southwick
seconded and the motion carried 4-0-0. The meeting adjourned at 8:10 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,


Mark S. Donahue
Acting Secretary
Board of Finance                                Approved:    1-16-08